101 things update

May 11, 2018 14:53

I'm a bit over six months into the 101 things list, and have ticked off a few more now! Mostly some of the duller ones, because it was winter, so I shall try to liven things up with some photos. Original list here.

1. Grow a lawn. DONE

Well, Kevan grew the lawn really and did all the hard work of sieving out stones for hours, but I helped by digging up weeds and buying grass seeds. We have a creditable patch of grass now - look!



(The photos are from different angles - don't worry, the excellent shed remains.)

Unfortunately, it looks like I didn't do a very good job of getting out the weeds, because loads of them have grown up with the grass. We're trying to figure out what to do next. Weedkiller? A lawnmower? Asking them politely to leave?

2. Make a pond. DONE

Springwatch said we could make a pond out of a washing up bowl, so we gave it a go! Again, a joint effort: Kevan dug the hole and bought the washing up bowl, and I got the pond plant and gravel to put in it. Now we are waiting to see if anything will come and live in it. So far, several snails and a woodlouse have expressed an interest.

6. Invite 10 different people to visit (not including small children)*. DONE

I have had at least ten people to visit, not counting a ten-year-old, a baby and my brother (who only stayed half an hour, but did at least come all the way from Australia). I am surprised that I achieved this one so quickly - my flat's such a long journey from almost anywhere in London, and I'm so worried that people will have a boring time visiting me, that I generally encourage them not to bother...

15. Register with a doctor. DONE
16. Register with a dentist. DONE

Nobody said I had to actually go the doctor or the dentist, just register as a patient... I will go for a new patient check-up with the doctor next week though, and to the dentist when my teeth turn against me.

61. Go on the Olympic park slide. DONE

I went with
squirmelia and friends to celebrate her birthday in February. I'm glad I did it, though I'm not sure how much fun it was! The slide was very fast with some discomfiting twists in sudden new directions, and I felt rather like a parcel that had been posted down a chute. It was all right though! Afterwards, I went back up to the top of the ArcelorMittal Orbit to look at the view, and started walking down a ramp - I didn't realise that this was actually a spiralling path that went all the way to the bottom of the tower. It had a mesh floor that you could see the ground through, and the wind whistled through it, and it was much scarier than the slide!

95. Get some damn curtains in my damn living room, dammit! DONE

There is no story here; it just took us a really long time to buy some curtains. We hung some duvet covers in the window for a year and were the disgrace of the neighbourhood, but now we are respectable!

Still lots to do, but now summer is happening, I might manage a few of the more interesting things on the list.

This entry was originally posted at https://miss-newham.dreamwidth.org/4316.html.

101 things

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