Nov 23, 2007 19:42

First off: I hope everyone had a very HAPPY and AMZING Thanksgiving!!!! Did everyone eat loads of Turkey or Tofurkey and get lots of sleep!?! My day was, well....not the best to say the least. It was very disappointing actually. Mom and Gram have been fighting, so mom wouldn't go to the club for Thanksgiving. So, in turn, Pete wouldn't go. Other family and close family friends were out of town.....so I went to the club with Gram and her two friends. Real 12-year-old of you, mom. She is so busy and does a million and one things....so maybe she just took a little foray over the edge.

I was sad that I didn't talk to many people who I consider myself thankful for. :(

Stace, I should have taken you up LONG AGO about spending it with "my other fam" in B-lo! :) Talking to you last night made my day so much better.

Secondly: I haven't been on much because I have been sick. What started as an infection from stage make-up, has turned into 3 weeks of illness. Apparently all the stage make-up clogged all of the glands in my throat (neck area), which then spread all over my body. So I have been on LOADS of antibiotics and bed rest. To make matters worse, my blood work came back not the best. Out of 15 tested areas, I was off or too low in 10 of them.

I have really missed everyone so much! When you have been on here for like 3 years and keep in contact with friends through LJ, you really miss out. So I can't wait to try and catch up and see how everyone has been!

AND.....get this......I get a random message......that because I don't post Helen pic spams every other day on here or HMAS, that I don't love Helen anymore. Yeah, what the hell ever. I can't log onto HMAS STILL!! There is some sort of block. So I am the photo mod over there, but can't post ANY of my new pics. Great. BUT to say I don't adore Helen anymore????? That comment almost makes me speechless. Who whould ever say this to me!!??!!

So now I bring you a Helen pic-a-licious experience! Along with some of my Dixie Virginia. I am so thankful for her and the love she gives me. Hearing her voice, I know I can do it. I can get there. I can finish my master's and get to LA, and be near my agent, and get to those auditions....and, well....make it happen. She is an amazing woman.

OH.....see Enchanted!!! It's such a fun time! I smiled the whole time!

Thank you Stacey McDouche Flagg! You are the best and I thanked Helen like 47 times for your yesterday and everyday. I would be lost without you man. Word.

I give you Helen Lydia.......pefection under the cut. :)

loads of love! xx Dee

At her book signing:

Enchanted Premiere:

With her amazing sister, Kate, at a recent awards' show:

LA premiere of Beowulf:

I would say this is a TOP 5 Helen FAVORITE of mine!! HOLY HELEN!

Now for the LA Bafta's"


Now a few favorite random shots! See if you can guess where they are from!

I took these:

Now........I want my Dixie Belle to SHINE. She more than deserves it.

Hal and Dix:

Angela Lansbury, Hal and Dixie:

A favorite pic of Dixie and Hal from "Be My Baby"


Does Dixie ever take a shot that isn't perfect!?! NOPE!

WOW! It has been a long time! I haven't posted pics of myself on here in ages. Since I posted pics of Helen and Dixie, why not post some new pictures of me? If you have other on-line applications, then perhaps you have seen these.....???

Drew and me!! We always have FUN TIMES!

Me, Erin and Cherie at the art gallery opening. FUN NITE!

Erin, Cherie, Me and Drew: AMAZING NITE!

Samo and Debo

Paulo and my Liza Jane:

Sam, Me and Katie:

Me and Katie!

Samit et Dee:

Me and Steve cutting a rug.....even tho I was sick and needed my glasses:

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