"And the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true....."

Oct 24, 2007 22:00


So after my show ended I got very, very busy with something else. I have been working on my next show AND stepping into a new phase in my life....I will be teaching. I will be helping an amazing boy named Jack. He has down's syndrome and I will be his teacher and aide for this next semester. I will also teach him the arts. He is an amazing kid and is soooo open and outgoing. I can't wait to work with him everyday! I move back to my place in the city next year, so I only have this term with him!

So I haven't been able to catch up on how things are with you, my Dolls! Please send me a message letting me know how you are! I have caught up with some of you Dolls, but haven't with some!

I hope all of you are well and can't wait to hear how you are!

I want to send my love and "Helen Help Me" to:
My darling Tallulah Belle!
The fabulous Berka Berka!
And my bif bif Stacey Douchebag Flagg!
I love you my Sissy Sissy Leigh-Leigh!

I love you and would be lost without you!

And my Aunt Barb......I love being able to spend everyday with her. Her opinions and thoughts mean so much to me!

So now for picspams! Mostly Helen! But if you have talked me lately, you will know that my Auntie Poo Poo has been there through think and through thin......on a daily basis.....and helped me see the "Big Picture" more clearly!

Me and my tool box Uncle:

I think we are major Twinkies:

Acting like a ass with my lil boy

PEACE OUT! Love you Stace!

PEACE OUT the Trio:

Chels doing my hair...my face says it all! lol!

I love our times backstage!

Ryan and me getting the races down!

I LOVE THIS GIRL!! Thank you life for her!

Me and my Jaders! Go to Belle Mie on my friend's page: one of the best stores eva!

Life. The original Three Sisters:

Me and my Biffer!

Again with The Biffer at the airport!



The way you look tonight:

One of the HOTTEST pics of Helen from this past year:

with the amazing cast of Venus:

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