HELLLLLOOOOO MY LOVES......show closed tonite, so here I am!

Oct 14, 2007 21:05

Oh, how I have missed everyone! I hope everyone has been well! I haven't read an entry in weeks, so I have NO idea how most of you are doing! I can't wait to get back into the LJ world and catch up with my dolls and their lives.

So I have had my show. That is really where I have been and what I have been up to. Tonite was closing nite. I am WIPED OUT. But, I already miss my play and my cast. To know that I don't have to be there tomorrow nite and see everyone....that makes me sad. I like the extra time, but when it comes to my plays, I would rather be acting!!!!! So before I go to bed I want to post some pictures from my show as well as some of Helly Welly! :)

I hope all is well with everyone!! Please respond to this or email me and let me know how you are and what you are up to. My email is Debs32sp@aol.com just in case. Doesn't have to be long.....I just want to get all caught up!

AND....if you have facebook, please add me. I love talking to some of you mates over there.

AND......thank you Stacey Flagg for everything. I would be very, very lost without you! Love you Doucher! Peace Out!

Now, on to the pics.....the first ones are from the show....

Me and an my amazing Auntie Poo....she's like a 2nd momma to me:

Me being a doof backstage:

Tom and me and a cast party (he plays Robert Redford's role and I'm his "girl"

Backstage with my Helen cup:

I love all of these old gansta' hats:

Yeah, we brought sexy back:

AWWWW! Me and Clint......the original Gloria and Jethro from Beverly Hillbillies:


I love my Jane!! She's A la mode and I'm Pumpkin Pie!!!!! we have too much fun with Goldfish crackers.....

My amazing Auntie and me! She is PRICELESS!!!

A candid of us again that I ADORE!! How cute will this be in black and white!?!

PEACE OUT!!! This one is for my biffer, Stacey Douchebag Flagg!!

Shirls, me and the Auntie Poo Poo

Barberlla and Dee are the best team EVVVVA!

Chase and his Mommy:

This is our new FAVORITE picture together:


At my Dance Hall:

Oh no, they always get my shoes wet!!

The amazing cast and crew!

Me and the amazing Pam! She was Granny in Hillbilles. She's WOW!

Oh Tom, you know you love it! :)

Dave, one of my FABULOUS directors!!

Now for the true perfection: HELEN LYDIA! It has been toooo long since I have posted and ever longer since I have posted the amazingness that IS HELEN!!

And for all of your darlings who are members of HMAS: I am having issues getting in to the forum!! :( It is being worked on. I haven't had loads of time on ANY chat places lately, but still......I'm the photo mod and have loads of pics to share!

tell me that you all have copies of this perfect, gorgeous, amazing book:


With Peter O'Toole:

SB Film Festival:

I gave those flowers to Helen!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

From Cook, Thief:

And pardon the watermarks on this last one, but I ADORE the picture! This was taken less than a week ago and I LOOOVEEEEEEEEEEEE IT!!! :)

And I have to say this, since I have had a bit of an issue with this lately: PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE.....if you take pictures that I have posted on here, please credit me or ask me for the photographer's name who sent them to me. Some of these pics have come from all different people/sources and I want everyone to get their due.

Hope everyone is well! :)

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