Long time no me.

Oct 02, 2007 00:23


My new show has kept me insanely busy! During the times I would normally do my LJ posts, I have LONNNNNGGG rehearsal. There are some good points and some baaaaad points about my show, but lets hope it all comes together by this Friday.

I have not read posts for weeks. I admit it. I haven't had the time and I feel like I have NOOOO idea what is up with anyone. So, that's why I haven't commented. Please don't think it's because I don't care. Seriously, I haven't been able to comment in ages. Usually I go through my LJ at nite, and that time has been eaten up with rehearsals, fittings, make up tests, etc.

I hope you all are well and things are going well. I cannot wait to catch up and hear/see/read what you are up too!

This week has started off sad. My grampy died last October 1st. I was just BLAH and UGH today and yesterday. I didn't want to do/think/see/hear about anything. I stared at E! most of the day, then went tanning, then for a workout with my Aunt Barb. She had me laughing til' I was in tears. Then there was rehearsal.....the laughs ended, but as the nite went on, things seemed to get better. 9 costume changes are kicking my bum bum.

And just to put the word out there.....I am obsessed with E!, Bravo, Top Chef and Tim Gunn......esp. Tim! LOVE HIM!

Soooo....just want to say:

I love you Grampy and will always miss you. My world is not the same without you. "I've lived a life that's full; I've traveled each and every byway....and more, much more than this...I did it my way. In my eulogy at his Memorial service I included the lyrics to "My Way."

I should have fininshed "The Year of Magicial Thinking" before this day.

I am so excited that I ordered Helen's new book like 8 months ago and it came today. It couldn't have come at a better time. It's such a gorgeous, in-depth, flawless book. Thank you Helen.

I have a Facebook now...thanks to Douchebag McFlagg. I think you can find me by Debra Lynn Hasselbacher....hmmm.....

I can't seem to log onto the HMAS message board. All of a sudden my password doesn't work. I tired to get a new one, but when I keyed it in, NO LUCK. So, I have allll these HELEN pics to share, but can't post them to HMAS. Oki....??

This makes me happy. So I have doing a HUGE Helen pic spam....so get ready!!




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