bored as hell

Dec 30, 2006 03:25

LOL! I was searching randomly on okcupid and I saw both of Sam's profiles. We're 80% friends on one and only 60ish% friends on the other...? It amused me. What ever happened to that guy? should all make a profile right now so I can make fun of you and relieve my boredom. How is that not a good idea?

Heehee, I'm going to try and find my friend Jessie just to see if she kept the profile she made a while back when we were hella bored like 5 years ago...damn I'm old. Maybe I can find crazy hookah guy too! Woot for random internet friends!

Seriously though, I have an 8:30 class next's 3:30am right now and I'm not tired at all...shit.

I did decent in my classes sort of! Yay for me not failing!
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