Week 9: Comment

Sep 20, 2007 17:12

Thought I would comment on your entry. That's a bit unfair about your mum's marriage certificate not being accepted, I think that is ridiculous, it's like saying all of our birth certificates mean nothing because we were born before 9/11....

speaking of mums, my mum actually had to read 1984 when she was at school, how funny is that? so this book is really old...I was trying to bribe her to tell me what it was about but she said "no Rhiannon you have to find out for yourself sweetheart" (i hate when she tells me no but says it in a nice way lol).

I'm kind of glad she didn't tell me because the book was really good. It did make me question, will the world one day be structured much like this?, i mean the more problems we seem to encounter the higher security measures are taken. I mean i am all for protecting the citizens because i would like to avoid any form of violence heading my way, but will I one day have my every move and sound watched and heard. I think people deserve a certain level of privacy. This book always makes me think of that movie with Tom Cruise (i cannot remember the name) he plays a kind of policemen and they have physic triplets who are based at head quarters who see into the future and can see a crime occur before it happens and so the police arrest the offender before they commit the crime. Then one occasion Toms character is the one visioned to commit the crime and he has been set up.

This makes me question the whole "Big Brother" status. How do we know the people watching us are trustworthy? even in the police force there are untrustworthy police. With the continual development in technology and the increased crime rate, it will only be a matter of time before the government decides its time to try the big brother concept. 
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