Funny wines

Jul 31, 2011 22:14

First of all let me tell you that I'm not a good critic at all. I can usually tell you what I like or don't like, but can't give too many intelligent comments on why I like or don't like something. :-D Still I'd like to blog a bit about wines since I discovered something neat.

My husband and I like wines, but we are no connoisseurs and we found ourselves in the supermarket looking at a lot of wines and wondering which one to choose. So we decided to make a decision based on the label. :-) And looking at all the labels, we saw that some wines have funny names and thus we have a new hobby: tasting wines with funny names.

First up for tasting: Fat Bastard Wine


It even has it's own cute cork!

This was a doubtful wine. :-) At first we thought it was nice. When you drink it, it tastes a little watery but then there is a full-bodied taste. But that taste doesn’t really linger, especially not with cheese. And we didn’t even have strong cheese. It also has a bit of a rough taste. So it was not the full-bodied wine we hoped it would be, but it wasn’t too bad either and thus I go for: doubtful.

Second one up for tasting: Wild Pig Wine


Doesn’t smell watery, but smells a bit rough. Tastes a bit rough too, but is better with the cheese than Fat Bastard. It’s a nice wine.

So, these are the first wines I wanted to share with you. Hope you enjoyed it and again: don’t take these review too seriously. It’s just to share the funny wines and I can imagine you’d like to know a little bit how it tastes when you read about it.

PS: I am Dutch, so if anyone reads something funny in my blogs please let me know. :-D

wine, fun

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