Apr 06, 2011 10:57
Lulz, I'm on a hospital network right now. I'm at civil court, waiting to sit in on a hearing. I has no internets until at least Monday, when we should be able to hook up Qwest. Time will tell. As for at work, LJ doesn't appear to work, or maybe it was buggy or something. I gotta catch up on so much!
Oops! Had to interrupt to go sit in on some hearings! I'm back now, looks like it works at work! I have about 45 minutes until my next meeting.
Anyway, just a quick blurb here:
We got everything moved into the new place. At first we forgot how ghetto it was, and then got a little sad, but after we put together our big furniture and got some of our "needed" things unpacked, it started to look really cute. It's almost the perfect amount of space - the only real issue is NO cloest space save for what could pass as a pantry D: We've still got to figure that out! For right now a bunch of our clothes are hung up on those cheap portable closet things, but they're super unstable and I don't like the idea of my clothes exploding on the floor!
Today is my third day at Mental Health Resources, and I'm both still really excited and really nervous. A lot of this (and I seriously mean at least 80%) is going to be working in the field, so I got a personal mini (HP) laptop and a Droid. I know the Droid is going to be my lifesaver, because it has GPS superior to my own phone, and it stores my Outlook calendar to pull up at any time to check or change my appointments. Sweet! Today and Friday are by far going to be the busiest days this week. I have this break between 10:30am and 11:30, but after that I have a transfer meeting (getting my first actual client), a team meeting (all the case managers are broken up into teams - I'm on Team 4), and a meeting with my Team Lead. Then home! Tomorrow is pretty open, with a training in there. Friday is intakes and transfers, and another training. By the end of next week I'll have about 14 clients, and I assume it's just going to pick up from there as new intakes come in.
The drive is worse than my old job, since I'm driving in traffic at the same time as everyone else, but I live the same distance away as I did the other job - 6 miles. It takes me about 20-25 minutes to get to and from work. It's a touch longer than I think it would be because they're tearing up two of the biggest cross-streets in the city in order to build another section of Light Rail (like an above-ground subway? It's a train tbh and really handy in Minneapolis/Mall of America if you're going somewhere on the line), and therefore everything is PANIC at all times XD But! At lunch time sometimes I can go get Steve and we can eat. Yay! I love the independence this job provides, and the willingness of my colleagues to help out. It's very nice.
still alive,