Fanfiction "Dreaming"

Sep 19, 2011 22:07

Title: Dreaming
Fandom: 07-Ghost
Author: Miss Ink / Literapture
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Frau, Teito
Genres/Warnings: mild angst, friendship
Word Count: 372
Summary: Just Teito musing...
A/N: I'm sorry, I just couldn't think of a good summary. And it's not like this is a full-blown story anyway. Sorry about that too. I want to write a proper length fic but it's just not working. DX
On a happier note, I finally have a job. Notice the emphasis on 'FINALLY'. Because, really? Two and a half years of applying? I started wondering if I should assure the employers at interviews that I'm not a cannibal, nor do I eat babies and would they please just hire me.

“Frau, do you ever wish you never became a ghost?”

There was honest surprise in the gaze that snapped to Teito then, as though Frau had never thought Teito would ask that. “What kind of question is that? I am a ghost. There'd be no point in wishing for anything else.”

Teito shrugged and poked at his side of the fire they'd built. So much snow covered the ground this close to the old kingdom of Raggs and hardly any wood was dry enough to feed a fire that he felt sure they'd be ending the night with nothing but dim embers. “I don't know,” he said, biting his lip. “It's just, is being a ghost your whole life then?”

Frau raised an eyebrow at Teito. “It can't really be my whole life, you know.”

Teito kicked a patch of frozen dirt at the bishop. “Idiot, you know what I mean! Didn't you have any dreams? Before? Or even now?”

There was a sobering silence then and Frau's blue eyes rested on Teito, expression flat. Teito stared right back, unwavering, though he had a feeling he'd crossed some invisible line. They were meant to focus on Teito's past, while Frau's remained in the dark, collecting dust, but Teito continued to push that rule, stretching the boundaries until he was closer. He just hoped this time he wouldn't be pushed away again.

Frau looked away first, gaze falling to the weak flames between them. “I wish things were different every damn day, brat,” he said quietly enough that Teito just barely caught it. They were silent for a moment but then, with a blink the gleam was back in Frau's eye. “It's not all bad though,” he said, looking at Teito again. “If I wasn't a ghost I wouldn't have been there to save your life when you crashed that hawkzile.”

Teito reddened and ducked his head. “Thanks... about that.”

“For what? You fell on me, it's not like I jumped up to volunteer.”

Teito kicked dirt at the bishop again, accidentally sending a cloud towards the fire in the process. The flames sputtered out under the abuse but Frau just laughed.

07-ghost, character: teito, fanfiction, character: frau

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