Fanfiction "Moments"

Sep 19, 2011 21:45

Title: Moments
Fandom: Supernatural
Author: Miss Ink / Literapture
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Dean/Castiel
Genres/Warnings: none
Word Count: 226
Summary: Tumblr ficlet. Dean's always the last to know.

He's in the middle of a fight when he realizes he's in love with Dean. He shoves forward and up, forcing the angel blade crunching through the breastplate of some poor vessel, and steps back, a curious expression in his eyes.


He's pouring over countless journals, desperate to find something, anything, telling them how to kill the Devil, and about to suggest they call Cas - that Dean call Cas, of course - when it comes to mind that there might be something brighter between his brother and the angel than 'I gripped you tight and raised you from perdition'. As if that wasn't already enough.


He's running from the house, putting the ring of holy fire and the angel it holds behind him, and the storm of angry demons before him, when he turns and catches Dean frozen in the doorway, 'Winchester luck' practically stamped across his face. He shakes his head at this last confirmation to what he already knew, but the moments gone anyway and soon they're both running after Sam towards the car.


Dean finds out he's in love with an angel when he has his mouth pressed gently against Castiel's in a kiss that he thinks should have happened years ago. There's oceans of hurt between them but, with his fingers threading their way through dark hair, he's bridging the gap.

pairing: dean/castiel, supernatural, fanfiction

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