Sep 30, 2008 13:03
Do you really care about the environment?:
It's ignorant not to.
Have you ever parked in a handicapped spot?:
Only when I think I can get away with it. I'm an asshole.
Have you ever driven in a carpool lane while alone in your car?:
Yes. If you've ever driven in DC traffic, then you understand. I had a friend who used to drive with 2 blow-up dolls in his car so he could daily abuse the HOV lane.
Did you ever fake it in bed?:
I'm way too brutally honest. And my face always tells people exactly how I'm feeling.
Do you believe you are better looking than all of your friends?:
No. I realize my level of awesomeness, but I'm not that conceited.
Have you ever exaggerated the number of women/men you slept with?:
Do you owe a friend money that you have no intention of paying back?:
I owe people money, people owe me money. I'm broke at the moment. So, I can honestly say that I doubt I'll be able to pay anyone back anytime soon unless the people that owe me pay me back.
If you saw your friend’s spouse with another woman/man would you tell them?:
Fuck yes I would. And I'd probably beat the S/O's ass or at least dump a drink on them.
Are you more comfortable around friends that are not as attractive as you?
What kind of low self-esteemed losers create these fucking things??
Do you think you are smarter than your girlfriend/boyfriend?:
Again with the insecurities! JFC!! I'm used to being smarter than 90% of the people I meet.
Have you ever thought that your parents would be better off divorced?:
They were divorced.
Do you think that you are smarter than your parents?
According to the best testing.
Did you ever throw a party at your parents’ house without their knowledge?:
They were the parents that LET me throw the big parties.
Do you think your parents did a good job raising you?:
My mom busted her ass and sacrificed like hell. They both meant well. Not everything turned out the way it should have, but the intentions were good.
Do you like your mother more than your father?:
Yes, although, I wish my dad was more involved in our lives. And it bums me out that they've never visited us ever. And it hurts me that we have to take turns seeing them on holidays because Liz's parents don't like us.
Do you believe your parents are proud of you?:
No, I'm pretty sure they're not. My life isn't exactly booming with success. But neither is theirs. So, I don't know.
Have you ever wished you were born into a different family?:
Well, it certainly would be convenient to be one of those rich spoiled kids. But growing up the way I did made me who I am. And I wouldn't trade that for anything. My family knows how to have a good time. It's comfy around them. I'm very thankful for that.
Do you believe your parents favor your sibling more than you?:
Yeah, I know if Kyle would never have to struggle like me and Justin do.
Do you respect your father?:
That's a really hard question. I used to resent him. And at times, it's hard, because I know I'd never let Hannah suffer like I suffer. But I have to believe that he loves me. And I choose to respect him, because that's what's right.
Have you ever stolen from your parents?:
No. I don't steal from family or friends.
Do you think you are better looking than your sibling(s)?:
No. My brothers are good looking kids, too. Just different, because I'm a chick.
Would you report a family member to the cops if they had committed a crime?:
Only if it involved child molestation. I'd cover for them for anything else.
Do you think you are a good role model for your children?:
I try to be. I could've been better.
Do you think you have what it takes to be a good mother/father?:
I do my best. I wish we were more financially stable for her sake.
Would you be happy with yourself if you turned out like your mother/father?:
I wish I were more hardworking like my mother. She always somehow had the energy to keep the house clean.
Would you say your mother is a great cook?:
She was fantastic. Simple down home recipes. Not flashy gourmet. But it was still the best food ever.
Would you be happy to marry a man/woman who is just like your mom/dad?:
Haha no. I love my dad, but I could never put up with him. But then again, that's probably because of the ways that my mom and I are alike or the ways my dad and I are too much alike.
Do you dislike small children?:
I typically don't like other people's children.
Do you secretly think babies are ugly?:
Newborns are ugly, most babies are cute.
Have you ever thought your spouse was boring?:
I have no spouse.
Have you lied on your resume?:
Do you really believe you’re going to have a successful career?:
I want to move to a ranch in the middle of nowhere in Wyoming. My definition of "success" is different than most.
Have you taken credit for someone else’s work?:
No need to. I'm awesome.
Have you ever spied on your co-workers in the bathroom?:
Oh my that's gross.
Have you ever called in sick to work when you really weren’t?:
Do you love your job more than sex?:
Fuck no.
Have you ever disliked someone for being more successful than you?:
Dislike, no. Envious, yes.
Do you think you drive a more expensive car than you can truly afford?:
I have no fucking car.
Are you jealous of people with more money than you?:
Yes, but only because I'm dirt poor. My life has more soul, though.
Do you believe wives must serve their husbands?:
I think the serving should be equal. If both people are giving, both are happy.
Have you ever snooped through your girlfriends/boyfriends things?:
Do you always wash your hands after using the restroom?:
Yes. Although, I'm sure there's been a 2am half-asleep pee in which I've forgotten. Typically I'm pretty OCD about it. I fucking hate when dudes don't wash their hands.
Is there a body part on your spouse that you dislike?:
What part of "I have no fucking spouse" do you not understand??
Do you wish you were still single?: