I woke up with this stuck in my head. I am perplexed, I haven't watched this movie since I was like six! ...latin accents are studly.
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it's been a while. I keep on readin what people write and I've been semi-active in the communities I'm in but I just don't journal! I think if I did it would all be rambling about elliot for now anyhow, seeing as my life has centered on him for the last two months (two months already!!). I'm dreading the first time I have to leave him, hello separation anxiety. :| I mean, I'm home with him all day, take baths with him, we cosleep, I wear him... augh, I think I have like... post-partum anxiety. or maybe this is just what being a mom feels like.
I've discovered penn and teller: bullshit! amazing show! now I have something that doesn't seem as brain rotting when eli decides to nurse for hours and hours on end.
the weight loss is going... meh. I don't know, someone else was saying, it's like... you get down on yourself for hating the way you look and then you get depressed and don't want to do anything about it. I bought a digital scale which has been motivating me ever so slightly. I'm slowly weaning myself off sweets or I'll eat fruit instead. :( not that I don't like fruit and all but... ice cream just tastes better :( ugh, my ribcage and pelvis have gotten wider and I'm so scared they won't go back. I really would just like to feel sexy again.
I'm thinking about turning this into a daily food/exercise blog. maybe set weekly challenges for myself (no sweets, x amount of water, etc). I'm on the laptop all the time so it shouldn't be hard. I'm thinking about taking a picture of myself and weighing myself on the same day each week.
and that's it. have some pictures of my bobo.
eli and baby marlo- having other mom friends makes life so much easier at the moment.
hay boob.
...I was really hoping eli would be that color. maybe as he gets older...
oh, tomorrow I should finish registering for pcc!! more change is in the air!