FIC: In His Deceit - 3/8

Jun 28, 2012 12:31

Title: In His Deceit
Author: Miss 'Drea
Artist: pixymisa
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Dean/OFC, Dean/Sam, brief Sam/Trickster
Beta: selecasharp and blackcathollow
Word Count: 22100/20000
Warnings: Genderbending, angst, some show-level amount of gore
Summary: When the perfect woman shows up during Dean's latest hunt, he spends more time trying to catch her attention than he does solving the hunt. She hunts with him even though she has no idea what she's doing and he's all over that; he likes teaching. Everything is perfect. Except for when it isn't. She vanishes without a trace and then Dad goes missing right after. Dean thinks they're linked. (He has no idea.)
Disclaimer: Not mine, not even a little bit. Title is from the Rune's poem.
Notes: Special thanks to selecasharp for coming up with my title, and for the beta and everything else. And to pixymisa, without whom I would have scrapped the story and dropped out of the entire bigbang out of writer's block frustration. Thanks, hon. <3 Mostly though, thank you for the dance.

| Prologue | 1 | Interlude I | 2 | Interlude II | 3 | Interlude III | Epilogue |
| Notes & Soundtrack | Art Post (coming soon!)|

| Interlude I |

Sam gets off the bus in Columbus, Ohio, and has to scramble to gather his bag from the other people around him. He has no idea how he's going to get from where he is now to Stanford. He still has a week before he needs to sign in officially, but he's starting to get nervous. Lifting his bag and settling it comfortably on his shoulder, Sam stands in front of the list of buses to California.

The lowest price only gets him to Colorado, and it's still fifty bucks more than he has. He takes a moment to say a silent apology to Dean before deciding to just hitchhike the rest of the way. "Hey, kiddo," a voice says from somewhere behind him. "You're really going to hitchhike the whole way on your own?"

Sam pauses. Another thought skates through his brain. "No," the voice says, sounding amused. "You didn't say that out loud."

Turning, Sam looks down at a man with swirling amber eyes. His entire body freezes. "What are you?"

The man smiles. "Oh, you are good at this," he praises quietly. "Walk with me."

His tone is genial, but Sam knows better than to say no. "Where are we going?"

"Just around," the supernatural creature says. "I have a business proposition for you, and I'd like for you to hear me out."

Sam's almost amused. "Do I have a choice?"

He grins. "Not much of one, no. But I'd like to think you're smart enough to know a good thing when you see it." Sam doesn't respond, but falls into step with whatever it is. "You're trying to get to Stanford, aren't you?" Sam nods. "I have a better proposition for you."

Now Sam is actually amused. "Better than law school and a real life?"

"Yes, actually!" The creature beams at him. "This is my proposal. I want you to fall in love."

They stop in front of a bench by a park a few blocks away from the bus station. "Fall in love?" Sam asks. "What does that give you?"

"Oh, years of entertainment. You have no idea how silly you humans are when you think the chemicals in your brain match up to someone else's." The creature sits. "Now, I think some introductions are in order. I am Loki."

Sam's jaw drops. "Lo-Loki? Like... actual... Loki?" He stumbles to sit next to the old god. "Holy shit."

The old god grins and winks. "Not so much with the holy, kiddo."

Sam swallows. "So what do you want with me?"

Loki's grin only gets wider. "I want some entertainment, Gigantor. If you don't... then I'll kill Dean." Sam goes cold and he turns to stare at the old god. "Don't give me that face, kid. Let me give you a cosmetic overhaul, and I'll protect Dean until even after you've entertained me. For the rest of his natural life."

"Cosmetic... overhaul?" Sam questions suspiciously. "That sounds like nothing good."

"Don't worry, Gigantor. I'll make you hot." Then he snaps his fingers and Sam is looking him in the eye instead of looking down at him. His hair is darker, longer, and when he glances down his body, he encounters a set of breasts that he's certain he didn't have before. Horrified, Sam looks up at Loki, who is openly smirking at him. "You'll have to get better-fitting clothes, but you'll do."

Sam finds that his level of hysteria is rising as he says in a muted whisper, "You turned me into a girl!?"

Loki shrugs one shoulder, looking cavalier. "It's not the end of the world. I want you to fall in love, or Dean dies."

"Okay," Sam says, squaring his - her? - shoulders. "What do I have to do?"

"First, you have to memorize your new information. Can't be caught out going around calling yourself Samuel Winchester," Loki says with a broad smile. "Then you need to go shopping. I'll contact you when it's time."

The old god stands up and runs a hand over Sam's hair. "Wait!" Sam calls over to him before he can walk too far away. Loki pauses, turning to look at him over one shoulder. "You seem to have this whole thing planned. Who do I have to fall in love with?"

"Who else?" The old god laughs and snaps his fingers, disappearing on the next gust of wind. But his answer is clear. "Dean."


story: in his deceit, pairing: sam/dean, character: dean winchester, fandom: supernatural, character: sam winchester

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