FIC: In His Deceit - 4/8

Jun 28, 2012 12:29

Title: In His Deceit
Author: Miss 'Drea
Artist: pixymisa
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Dean/OFC, Dean/Sam, brief Sam/Trickster
Beta: selecasharp and blackcathollow
Word Count: 22100/20000
Warnings: Genderbending, angst, some show-level amount of gore
Summary: When the perfect woman shows up during Dean's latest hunt, he spends more time trying to catch her attention than he does solving the hunt. She hunts with him even though she has no idea what she's doing and he's all over that; he likes teaching. Everything is perfect. Except for when it isn't. She vanishes without a trace and then Dad goes missing right after. Dean thinks they're linked. (He has no idea.)
Disclaimer: Not mine, not even a little bit. Title is from the Rune's poem.
Notes: Special thanks to selecasharp for coming up with my title, and for the beta and everything else. And to pixymisa, without whom I would have scrapped the story and dropped out of the entire bigbang out of writer's block frustration. Thanks, hon. <3 Mostly though, thank you for the dance.

| Prologue | 1 | Interlude I | 2 | Interlude II | 3 | Interlude III | Epilogue |
| Notes & Soundtrack | Art Post (coming soon!)|

| 2 |


Sam rubs his lips a little in the aftermath of his first kiss with Dean. It's not as bad as he was afraid it'd be; apparently Dean hadn't been joking when he'd told Sam he'd kissed the entire senior class at their last high school. Dean's definitely not a bad kisser.

Still, Sam's almost glad that he and Dean will have different rooms for the night; the first night they shared, it was super awkward. Sam is too used to being a boy and Dean isn't used to rooming with a girl. That's his story, and he's sticking to it.

"I am Sam," he says out loud. He pulls out his cell phone and opens the voice recorder on it, and says it again. "I am Sam."

The playback, like all the other playbacks, comes out as, "I am a cheater."

Whenever he writes it down, it just says in the girliest version of his handwriting possible, "Nice try, Gigantor."

He knows Loki's a trickster and everything, but his sense of humor sucks.

His phone goes off and he nearly jumps out of his skin. "Hi, Dean," he says, smiling. "Make it there okay?"

"This place is creepy," Dean says in response. "They're not doing a very good job of hiding the bodies. Because, Jacqui, there are two of them."

Sam winces. "Do you need me to get up there?"

"No, not yet."

Sam makes an annoyed face that Dean can't see. "Are you saying that because it's true, or because you're trying to be manly?" he asks, only half joking.

Dean huffs out a laugh. "I'm not trying to be manly, I'm always manly." Sam rolls his eyes again, and sighs loudly enough for it to echo down the line. "You just sit tight and I'll let you know when to come up. For now, let me get some sleep and-"

"And don't you forget to put that broom by your bed!"

Laughing, Dean says, "Yeah, yeah... I won't forget." There's a pause, and then he says, "Take care of yourself, okay?"

"The doors and windows are salted and everything is locked up tight. I'm going to order pizza and try not to worry," Sam reports. "Call me in the morning when you wake up." He chews on his lip for a second. "And Dean? If the broom doesn't work... don't struggle."

He sighs. "Good night, Jacqui."

Sam hangs up without replying because he forgot, once again, that he wasn't Sam anymore.


When Sam wakes up in the morning, it's a lot later than he's expecting it to be; the sun is much higher in the window. He reaches for Jacqui's phone and checks the time. It's almost eleven and Dean hasn't called. His fingers are moving over the familiar digits of Dean's number and it rings for an alarmingly long time before Dean's voicemail kicks in.

Sam's moving before his brain actually tells him to, tugging on fresh clothes and locking up the motel. He tries Dean one more time before hot-wiring a car and driving as fast as he thinks he can get away with towards the bed and breakfast.

The Impala is there, which eases something in his chest. He goes right in, and goes up to the desk and the girl there. "Hi," he says, tilting his chin up because he's still not used to being short. "I'm looking for Jonathon Hirsch? He checked in last night and told me to meet him here."

The girl snorts, and Sam can just tell that Dean probably flirted like hell with her. "Sorry," the girl says. "I can't give out client information."

Sam narrows his eyes. "Look, girlie," he snaps, "that man is my brother, and he's in a lot of trouble. So you tell me what room he's in, and maybe I won't call the cops on you." The girl sneers but gives him the information.

He takes the stairs two at a time and bangs on what should be Dean's door. There's no answer, and Sam can feel panic settling in. "Dean?" Sam demands. "Dean, I swear to God if you're just sleeping, I will kill you."

There's no answer and Sam finally drops to his knees and picks the lock. When he gets the door open, the room is covered in blood and there is no Dean. "Fuck!" he swears, and races back down the stairs and says to the girl behind the desk. "What the hell is going on here?"

The girl crumples. "I'm so sorry," she whimpers. "They told me I had to. They said they'd skin me alive. What was I supposed to do?"

Sam holds up a hand. "Just where did they take him?"

"The basement." The girl sniffles and rubs at her eyes. "Look, I tried to tell him not to struggle... I'm so sorry about your brother."

"Is he still alive?" Sam asks desperately. The girl nods. "Then get out of here," Sam says quickly. He waits until the girl gets into her own car and drives away before pulling out one of the guns Dean gave him.

If he was still himself, he'd have kicked the door to the basement down. Instead, he settles for picking the lock. He slips down the stairs and almost gags at the smell. There are lengths of flesh hanging down from meat hooks in the ceiling. They're dripping viscous fluid, and dried blood slicks the floor. There's something hunched over a table, its entire body the same color as the floor. Definitely a Boo Hag, and Sam makes certain that Dean isn't right behind it before he lines up the shot and takes the Boo Hag out from behind.

It lands with a slick thud, and Dean says, "Jacqui?" from somewhere in the far corner.

"Where's the other one, Dean?" he says tightly.

He can hear Dean swallow noisily and he turns towards him. "Not here," Dean says. "She, he, it left at dawn. I don't know, it put a skin on and left."

He jumps down the rest of the stairs to untie Dean from the corner. There are several long cuts on his face and down the rest of body. Some of them are quite deep and Sam gapes at him. "Holy shit, dude," he says softly. "We need to get you to a hospital."

"No hospitals. Can you stitch me up?" Dean groans when Sam unhooks the chains from the ceiling.

"Yeah, I can stitch you up. But I swear to God, I told you not to struggle!" Dean glares at him, but slings his arm around Sam's shoulders and lets Sam help him out to the car. "Okay," Sam says, "can you get the gasoline out of the trunk? I'll go back for the body."

Nodding, Dean slides his body against the car until he can open the trunk. "Got it."

Together they burn the body, leaning against the Impala as smoke curls towards the sky.

Dean suddenly laughs, even though it sounds like it pains him. "You hot-wired a car to come get me?"

"Shut up!"


Sam's hands shake a little when he threads the needle to sew up the biggest gash in Dean's side. Everything is different in his new body, and he's lucky he didn't undercompensate for the gun when he shot the first Boo Hag, the burning of which was completely gross and Sam's pretty sure he's never getting the smell out of his nose.

There are two brooms beside their beds now, and Sam is trying to formulate a way to ask if Dean will train him in hand-to-hand. When Sam was still Sam he was pretty good at it, but now his center of gravity is off and his new Jacqui body isn't as strong as he'd like it to be.

"So uh," Sam starts awkwardly, "this is going to... sound weird, but when you're not all cut up, can we review some hand to hand?"

Dean, surprisingly enough, scowls at him. "You callin' me out of shape?"

Sam blinks. "Uh, no, actually... I was saying I'm out of practice." Dean grumbles but doesn't say anything else for a while as Sam continues to sew up his side with careful, tiny stitching. Once each line is done, Sam spreads antibiotic ointment all over them and wraps his chest carefully with all the gauze they have.

They're going to have to get some more, but they aren't in any shape to do so. Dean isn't, anyway, and Sam's pretty sure if he tries to leave Dean will either forbid it or try to follow him. "So uh..." Dean says, startling Sam a little. "After we gank this last bitch... I guess that means you're leaving?"

"What about practicing?" Sam asks instead of answering.

Dean waves a hand, dismissive. "Other than that. Now that your father is avenged, what else is there for you here?"

Sam chews on his lip, not missing the way that Dean's gaze zooms in on the motion. "I didn't have any plans past killing the Boo Hags. If you're... in the market for a partner, so am I."

Finally Dean seems to relax, and he smiles. "Guess we make a good team."

Laughing, Sam leans forward and kisses his forehead. "So we do. Get some sleep, okay?" Dean grumbles but lets Sam tuck him in, and as soon as Sam is certain that his brother is asleep, he lies down in the other bed and waits for the other Boo Hag to show up.

Sam is about to drop off, eyes heavy with exhaustion and a little of the alcohol that was predominately used for disinfecting Dean's chest, when between long slow blinks Sam realizes that there's a figure standing over Dean's bed. It happens so quickly that it actually scares Sam how fast the thing moves. Sam's eyes slide over to the side of the bed. The broom is next to his bed, and the broom that should be next to Dean's is somewhere on the floor between the beds. He must have knocked it over, because the Boo Hag is straddling Dean's chest and starts breathing deeply.

For one frozen moment, Sam can't move; he can only watch as his brother's life force is sucked up into the Hag's mouth. Then common sense kicks in and Sam reaches for the gun under his pillow, aiming and firing in half the time it would have taken him otherwise.

The Boo Hag goes flying and Dean wakes up with a start, reaching for his own gun. "Son of a bitch, those things are fucking ugly," Dean groans, flopping back on the bed.

Sam drags his protesting body out of bed and gathers the tarp to wrap the corpse in. "Gotta burn the bitch before daylight," he mutters. "You get some more sleep. I'll be back."

Dean protests instantly, just as Sam figured he would. "I'll help," he says firmly. "Come on, Jacqui, you can't lift that by yourself. Not after the first time."

Sam proves him wrong by lifting the body easily and carrying it out to the car. "Dude, a strong breeze could knock you over. Just give me the keys and I'll be back in twenty-five minutes."

He holds out his hand, studying it as Dean deliberates giving him the keys to the Impala or not. Jacqui's hand is much thinner and a lot more delicate than Sam's, and Loki saw fit to have his nails be real and painted a sparkling greenish blue, which, while pretty, wouldn't be something he'd do himself.

Dean places the keys solidly in Sam's palm. "Don't hurt my baby," he warns, but allows Sam to leave the room without a problem.

He's still awake when Sam gets back, smelling of fire and gasoline, and waits until Sam's in bed to even pretend to close his eyes and fall back to sleep.

It's like all those times Sam was growing up, only now it doesn't feel stifling. Sam's not sure what it feels like, but he knows he likes it.


Sam wakes Dean early enough to annoy him but late enough that Dean can't really complain. "Where are we going?" Dean gripes as Sam throws clothing at him.

"To the diner for breakfast and coffee, then to the park down the street so we can start practicing. Sound okay?" Sam tugs on one shoe and looks over at Dean, who is moving slowly but without pain.

"Yeah, I think that's fine," Dean says, rubbing at the still-sore scar. It's only been a month since the Boo Hag fiasco, and Dean hasn't mentioned their parting ways since that first time. "Stitches came out, so... yeah, let's kick some ass."

He's joking when he says it. Then they actually start practicing.

Dean hits Sam right in the solar plexus and his breath rushes out of him in a great big whoosh. Sam tries to breathe around the pain but can't quite manage it. "Shit, Jacqui, I'm sorry," Dean says hastily, going to help him up.

He takes him out at the hip, slamming his shoulder into Dean's hip joint and knocking him flat on his ass. "Sorry can get you killed," Sam jokes hoarsely. "Also, ow."

He flops down next to Dean, looking over at his brother. "I thought you said you were out of practice?" Dean asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Dude," Sam protests. "I am rusty. You're going easy one me." He smacks Dean in the belly, just over his brother's newest scar.

"You're a girl!"

Sam rolls his eyes. "Whatever, dude." He sits up and swings one leg over Dean's waist to straddle him. "I'm a girl, but I knocked you on your ass."

Dean's fingers clamp on his legs, fingers tightening just this side of painful. "What are you doing, Jacqui?"

Sam lets his mouth curl up in a smile, curling his tongue behind his teeth. "I should think that would be obvious," he says slowly, tilting his hips down ever so slightly.

He's not really sure what he's doing, but Dean's getting hard underneath him so Sam figures he's doing something right. "Jacqui," Dean warns, and then flips them unexpectedly so that he's on top of Sam.

Sam has less than a second to recalibrate, but manages to wrap his legs around Dean's waist to keep him from getting away. "What's the problem, Dean? I want you, you obviously want me..." he trails off, running both hands up Dean's chest. "You kissed me back, you know."

Dean narrows his eyes at him, and Sam grins, ducking his head so his long hair hides his face. Because of that, Sam will swear up and down that it's the only reason he doesn't see Dean coming. Suddenly, they're kissing again, and Sam is quick enough to get with the program.

It's easy enough to pretend anyway; in this body, they aren't brothers, they aren't related, and Dean's attractive. And Sam doesn't want to think about how quickly he manages to deal with any issues about the situation, issues that start with I.

His train of thought derails when Dean pries Sam's lips apart with his tongue and then they're really kissing. Sam slides his hands across Dean's chest where they were resting to hook them behind Dean's head, pulling himself up so they're pressed tightly together.

Dean groans against Sam's lips, and Sam grins in response, widening his legs and letting Dean drop fully against him. Dean's very interested cock presses against the hollow of Sam's hips, and Sam ruts against his brother just enough to give Dean a promise of what's to come.

Someone in the distance wolf-whistles and Dean drags himself away long enough for Sam to remember where they are. Dean jumps to his feet and pulls Sam up with him and leads him to the car. Once at the parking lot of the park, Dean presses Sam against the Impala to kiss him again.

"Let's go back to the room," Sam says against the skin of Dean's face, as Dean kisses down the side of Sam's neck.

They don't have sex that night, but they share a bed for the first time, and as Dean cradles Sam's smaller body in his arms, Sam feels the spirit of Jacqui hovering close to the surface.


It seems like every time Sam manages to take a step forward under Dean's defenses, something happens to shove him back out, he thinks, pissy and not hiding it. Dean had all but dragged him to the bar, which Sam didn't particularly care about, until Dean found him a seat and then wandered off to pick up girls.

He scowls down at his one beer that he still hasn't finished and is all set to ignore everyone when someone sits down next him. Sam looks up and sees a pretty girl who would likely be right up Dean's alley, if Dean had been paying Sam's corner any sort of attention. "What'd that beer ever do to you?" the girl asks with a small smile.

Sam can't help but smile back, because the girl didn't do anything to him and he's not rude. "Nothing," he says, "but the guy who bought it for me is being a total douche."

"Pretty guy with the green eyes and the leather jacket?" the girl says sympathetically. "I saw you two come in. What's up with him?"

Sam shrugs one shoulder. "No idea. Tempted to leave him here though."

The girl laughs. "I'm Sarah."

Sam smiles and offers Sarah a hand. "Hi Sarah, I'm Jacqui."

Sarah pulls him in close to whisper in his ear, "Hey, if I were you, I'd go up and show those girls around him just who he belongs to."

"Is that so?" Sam asks with a laugh. "I'm not sure about that."

Clinking her beer to Sam's, Sarah says, "Well, I don't know if you've noticed, but all those girls kind of look like you. So maybe he's scared and not dealing well." Sam hadn't noticed, and he turns new eyes to the girls - three of them for Christ's sake - around Dean. "Been together long?"

"A few months," Sam admits quietly. Sarah's right, the girls look a little like him - him as Jacqui. Her. Maybe it's time to start thinking that way, he admits to himself as he finishes his beer. "Thanks, Sarah," he says and gives her an impulsive hug. "I think I'll take your advice."

When he stands up from the table, Sam shakes himself off and strides towards Dean. He lets his hips sway in a way that seems too girly at first, and pulls down his hair from the messy ponytail it'd been in before. When he reaches Dean, he taps his brother on the shoulder, and when Dean turns to look at him, Sam lets himself be Jacqui.

She wraps her arms around Dean's neck and yanks him down closer to her. "I'm bored," Sam says with a slow smirk. "Can we go home now?" She presses close to Dean, arching her back so their chests touch and she kisses him, wet and deep and messy. It's staking a claim and the other girls around them, all of whom make annoyed noises, don't complain overly much when Dean's attention is dragged to her.

"Yeah," Dean says hoarsely. "Let's go."

She slides a hand in his back pocket as they walk back to the Impala, and when they're settled inside, she moves across the bench seat to lean against Dean's side and nibble on his neck and ear as he drives them back to their newest hotel room.

Once inside the room, Dean presses her against the wall, hoisting her up and pinning her there with his hips. She compensates by wrapping her legs around his waist and holding on tightly with her arms around his neck. Sam had made sure to put on the caramel-flavored lip gloss that morning when they got up, and it seems to have paid off because Dean is doing everything he can to lick the taste out of her mouth.

Dean palms her right breast with one hand as he kisses her, sliding it up under her tank top and undoing her bra with one hand to get to her skin. Sam spares one moment to wish she'd done this to herself before trying to seduce Dean. who clearly has the greater experience with having sex with women, but then his fingers on her nipple distract her.

She kisses back with as much passion as she can muster, and Dean stops rolling her nipple between his thumb and forefinger to undo her jeans. Once he's tugged them down enough to push her underwear out of the way, he lets her legs slide to the floor even though Sam's not sure she can hold up her own weight.

Then Dean drops to his knees before her, and Sam really isn't sure her legs can hold her. When they were in high school, Dean used to brag that he could eat out a girl in five minutes flat and make them come at least twice. Embarrassed and too afraid to ask for more details, Sam had told him to shut up and keep his gross stories to himself.

Now, as Dean's tongue is licking away at her clit, Sam wishes she'd spent more time listening to Dean's stories because now she thinks they're all true. Dean tugs down her jeans and panties the rest of the way and Sam has enough forethought to step out of them as Dean spreads her open and sucks her clit into his mouth.

"Fuck!" Sam shrieks when Dean slides the middle finger of his right hand inside of her, and presses against her G-spot. She'd read about it but wasn't sure it was ever going to apply to her, and now Sam knows why hindsight is 20/20. Dean rubs her clit with his tongue and her G-spot with his finger and though the dual stimulation kind of feels like she's going to pee, it also sends her spiraling into an unexpectedly intense orgasm. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!"

She thinks that's it, that she's come and Dean will pull off her and fuck her now, but she's wrong because Dean just adds another finger and keeps licking at her clit until she's so sensitive with the stimulation that she's practically humping his face with her hips. Sam has never been this turned on, ever. After the second, third and fourth orgasms, Sam can't take it anymore and pushes Dean's head away to kiss him deeply - ignoring the taste of herself on his mouth - and yank off the rest of Dean's clothes. "Condom," Dean says sharply and Sam goes to get it, afraid that if Dean walks away for even a second, he'll have second thoughts and decide they're done.

It takes her a second to open the packet but not long at all to roll it onto Dean's impressive cock. She pumps her hand around it experimentally, and Dean yanks her hand away. She's glad she doesn't have to attempt her first blow job right that second, and Dean lifts her again, pressing her against the wall and hitching one of her legs up to give him more room.

A moment later and Sam wishes she'd actually thought this all the way through. Sex can hurt the first time for a girl, she remembers belatedly as Dean fucks straight through her hymen, and when Sam looks up from the space over Dean's shoulder, her brother looks shocked and a little dismayed. "You're a virgin?" he asks hoarsely, sounding turned on and fucked out, and Sam is annoyed that Dean seems to be pulling away from her.

She grabs him by the hips to keep him where he is because she's pretty sure it'll hurt worse if he stops now, and it hurts badly enough as it is. "Yes," she says, because lying is pointless now. "But I don't care. I wanted you to."

It sounds like bad porn dialogue, but Dean seems to buy it, settling in the rest of the way and holding himself still even though she can feel him trembling under her hands. "Just tell me when you're okay," he says, and kisses her. She captures his tongue between her lips and sucks on the slick muscle, thrusting her hips on him a little when he groans. "Seriously, you're killing me," he mutters when she lets his mouth free.

"So fuck me," she challenges, and wraps her other leg around his waist.

Dean wastes no time, thrusting into her shallowly but with steadily increasing movements until he's practically pulling all the way out before sliding back in. Sam orgasms twice without any other stimulation than that, and Dean swears each time she does, his face tight with holding back.

"Come on, Dean," she whispers in his ear before playfully biting his earlobe.

He slides a hand between them and thumbs her clit just to hear her shriek and when she comes for the third time - though it's actually the seventh - that's when he joins her, coming with an atonal grunt.

He tries to put her down, but her legs aren't working right and they both tumble to the floor. Dean disposes of the condom and then drags her back into his arms. They lie there for about an hour, and Sam starts to fall asleep even though she's getting cold. Dean scoops her up and tucks her into bed when she starts shivering, then gets in beside her, kissing her on the forehead.

It's the first time they sleep together in the same bed while naked. Sam sleeps better and deeper than she ever has before.

After that, she puts Sam away, and in the morning Jacqui slips out of bed to get them breakfast and more condoms for the quickie in the shower.

It's easier that way, after all.


story: in his deceit, pairing: sam/dean, character: dean winchester, fandom: supernatural, character: sam winchester

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