because matt did it...

Jul 01, 2005 17:10

[a]ge: 18
[b]oyfriend/girlfriend: not at the moment…but you know, there is a person I wouldn’t mind dating (and that, my furry friends, is a DAMN scary thought!)
[c]areer in future: CFO or news anchor…yes, I do realize they are not similar AT ALL
[d]ead person you would like to meet: Lucille Ball or Malcom X
[e]ssential item: respect, communication, LURRV…danazol?
[f]avorite song at the moment: sooo hard to decide. Im not gonna lie, I think that live like you were dying could easily be the anthem to my life…but I kinda like whats your name? by JM (please don’t laugh)
[g]irls you've kissed: 0
[i]nstruments you play: myself
[j]ob title: Summer camp counselor, Shoe saleswoman, Student
[k]icks ass: a stiletto hehe no no, really good phone conversations
[l]iving places: I plan on retiring in Switzerland, but I want to live on the east coast (perhaps DC) when I am out of college
[m]ost memorable moment of today: so far? My shower…which is sad. But im hanging out with the boys tonight, so that will prolly be it.
[n]umber of people you've slept with: -4
[o]vernight hospital stays: 4 I think
[p]hobias: running out of time, not leaving an impact, hurting others
[q]uote you like: “today will be yesterday tomorrow”, “change the mirror before the glass”
[r]elationship that lasted the longest: what a challenging question! Romantic relationship? Around 10 weeks. Friendship relationship? 15 years and clocking more as I type. Best friend relationship? 7+ years and still going strong
[s]exuality: heterosexual and flirtatious!
[t]ime you wake up everyday: over the summer? 715 am
[u]nique trait(s): I have an extra rib
[v]egetable(s) you love: hard to say…umm…carrots? Peas? Im not really all that healthy.
[w]orst habit: over analyzing. Being uptight. I actually don’t know…I think that is a question you are more qualified to answer because I claim I have knowledge, but I think that is one of my biggest flaws.
[x]-rays you've had: teeth, ankle, knee, skull, neck, chest, shoulders
[y]ummy food you make: OMG! I make killer spaghetti sauce…but my fav meal is BEEF with grilled onions and feta cheese peas
[z]odiac sign: virgo

ok...actually, i did this because it made me think about how many x-rays ive had...ive had more than i expected
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