Bye, bye beautiful.

Jun 07, 2005 01:10

Well, today I just sat around the house and pretty much did nothing. I got up around 1 and then my sister and me watched a movie called Into the Darkness. It was really gay. I got on the Internet then around 2 to see who was on that I could talk to. No one was really online, and it started to storm so I decided to get offline. The lightning in this storm was really magnificent. It just was so beautiful it left me speechless. So Joshy Howard called me around 5. He was going to come visit me, but it rained all day. My mom got home around 5:30. I helped her make dinner. I went back to my room then and started cleaning it. I got a little further. Then I came back out around 9 and decided to get online. Derek’s screen name was online, but it was Tommy at Derek’s house. I talked to Tommy then for a while. We actually have some things in common. :) We’re both sort of into the same general music. He’s a really awesome guy. He uses a lot of those “big” words that I love to hear so much, yet I rarely ever hear them. We discussed what happened to the times when beauty was compared to a rose. He confirmed that there were things more beautiful than a rose. Let’s just say what he thought was more beautiful just happened to make me blush. So yeah, I talked to him until like, 11:30 when I had to get off. I gave him my number so he can call me to hang out this summer or to just call me for the heck of it. I’d like to talk to him more this summer. He seems like a very interesting, polite, kind, and intelligent guy, and I wouldn’t mind getting to know him more. So yeah, I said my goodnights and got offline. My sister and me watched America’s Funniest Home Videos. She fell asleep, though. I couldn’t fall asleep yet again, so I decided to come out here and get back online. No one is really on so I decided that I should update this thing. Yeah, I guess I start working next week. I’m not sure of the times yet, but I’m going to work Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Oh boy, the fun begins. I am so ready to go to the beach. I can’t wait to just get away from everything for a week, to get away from everyone. Well, I think that that’s all for now. Nothing else interesting really happened this summer. It’s all the same old stuff. Well, if you want to make it more interesting call me. 543-5784 I would love you forever!
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