Jan 16, 2007 22:09
The Rules: Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about themselves. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird habits/things/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names. No tagbacks.
1. I sleep with a stuffed animal. Her name is Penelope and she's a black lab. Gabby got her for me for my birthday (or something) sophomore year. I have slept with her since. She went to London with me, and has been to camp for three summers in a row. She is here in Seattle. Part of it is emotional comfort, but part of it is physical - I can't stand sleeping without something in the crook of my arm.
2. I have bones on the sides of my knees that stick out. Not all people have these sticking out, apparently. On my right one, there is a quadruple scar from the multiple times I've been shaving and have ripped my skin right off. Lovely, eh?
3. I change my accent to match the people I'm talking with. It's not disrespectful - it's almost a respect thing. I can't explain it, but it happens quickly and usually without me noticing.
4. An ex-boyfriend told me that I have small teeth (before he was my ex). Now I notice it constantly. Really drives me crazy. I wish he had never said it.
5. When I first moved to Parkersburg, I made up this whole story about a guy who lived down the street in Richmond and how we had dated and how he missed me. I never told anyone it was a lie. I guess the power of recreating myself overwhelmed me.
6. Driving back and forth from Shentel, I used to play Tristan Prettyman's CD and pause between each song to address the invisible crowd I was playing to - dedicating songs and the like. I'm assuming she'd stop being my MySpace friend if she knew that. :0)
7. I waver between thinking I'm quite pretty and thinking I'm practically unnoticeable. It's not a plea for compliments, honestly.
8. I am honestly living a bisexual lifestyle, and do not feel any more attracted to men than I am to women. It hurts my feelings when I hear people consider bisexuality just a stopover, indecision, or experimentation.
9. I insist upon correct capitalization, punctuation, and spelling in Instant Messaging. Although I am prone to use lol, brb, and btw. Somehow, I deem these appropriate.
10. I do not believe in the concept of a Messiah, nor do I believe that Jesus is my "savior." This took me a lot of time to realize, and even more time to come to grips. I still practice a mainly Christian-styled worship, mostly because I grew up in that tradition and I find a lot of comfort there, and because Jesus is my teacher and following his teaching and example has brought me to my current wonderful relationship with God.
And I tag... anyone. Go to it.