So I keep stuff...

May 22, 2011 20:42

 ...Not in a crazy, hoarder way, but like. Stuff is important, right? It reminds you of things.

My cousin calls it being a "collectoid", but she has it worse than me, and has an entire wall dedicated to bits of paper and cool stickers and idk what else. It's super cool, but. I don't know. It seems to me that it's not exactly quite normal. Do other people do this? I know it's pretty common to keep ticket stubs, and I do that, but I also have most of the shipping labels for things sent specifically to me, I have the case that my KH necklace came in, I have the plastic cake decoration that was on my cake on my 18th birthday. Some of the things, I could make a pretty good case for keeping, but for others, not so much. I have a slip of paper that my older brother wrote his name on. sure, I really like his handwriting, but is that bordering on creepy? I don't know. I'm suddenly concerned with it, because I have ALL THIS STUFF FROM COLLEGE and they're all bits and bobs and I have no idea where to put all of this STUFF. Once I move out and get a proper room to myself, all of this stuff is going to be displayed, and it's going to be BITCHIN' even if it is weird that I keep all this stuff.

I think the word "stuff" has just lost meaning because of how much I over used it, but oh well. 

what is this i don't even, rawr

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