Nov 10, 2011 16:49
Thank you all for your feedback! I will now proceed to do what I want to do.
The purpose of the poll was like that of flipping a coin: to figure out what it is I want to do. If I had known that, I wouldn't have needed the poll.
I had this idea of a project I want to do next (where "project" = series or collection of pieces, in this case). But then, while sketching out some beginning plans for it, I had this other idea jump in-- totally different, couldn't be part of the same project in any meaningful way. Now I'd like to think that anything I do that's complex and layered with meaning will also bring a smile to look at, and anything I do that brings a smile also has some interesting metaphoric layers of meaning. But the main difference between the two projects I had in mind is the degree to which one of those characterizations dominates what I think the impact of the finished piece would be.
The votes are currently sitting at exactly 50/50, but what was useful was that as each vote came in I felt either pleased at the idea of doing the piece I had pegged that option to in my mind, or disappointed. The absolute clarity with which these feelings linked to the two answers was what I needed to know.
So, yes, sincerely THANK YOU for your feedback... now I know what I want to do in a way that I wouldn't have if you hadn't taken the time to tell me how you felt about it. :)