Mar 09, 2008 02:03
Growing up, when I'd have arguments with my parents and they'd get exasperated trying to answer my incessant "WHY?!" questions, they would always always always resort to answering with, "When you have your own kids, you'll understand," or "I hope your kids do this to you to!" Even when it didn't make sense, that was their last reply. And it was usually the end of the conversation. Their wise words; the shutting-up words.
For example,
"How come I can't watch TV until ten o'clock?!"
"When you have your own kids, you'll understand."
"I want the new SEGA!!! I want the new SEGAAAAAAA!!! I want my DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION MAT!!!"
Like it's some kind of horrible threat or something.
Well, well. Turns out your parents are actually right about some things.
I find myself saying the same things to my 3-year old who probably doesn't even know what it means. She does know, however, to toss her hair and say, "Duh!" to anything disciplinary that I say.
"Fix your toys! You're making a mess!"
"I don't want to clean it! Duh!"
"That's enough TV for today! Eat your carrots! Eat SOMETHING!"
I'm going insaaaaaaane! How do kids learn to be so freaking stubborn?? They never listen to what you say, they don't do what you tell them to and they LOVE doing naughty things just to watch you fly into a screaming rage. I'm pretty sure she sat on my expensive sunglasses just to see me go ballistic.
I don't know why kids these days are so disobedient or so naturally hard-headed. I know I was hard-headed but this is just a whole different dimension. The words "TIME OUT" used to instill a tiny amount of fear in her but now she's just plain fearless.
Its like, not even cleaning up the books or toys or teaching her responsibility. Its the basic things like getting her to eat a full meal (because apparently, to her, soda is now a meal replacement) and taking a bath without having to play a whole round of Tea Party in the shower with her toys.
Or even just to sit still! Kids don't want to sit still!! Not just my kid, but I notice other kids too! They can't sit still and do one thing at a time like do their homework.
Don't get me started on baby homework! It's pre-school and they have you doing homework! Like cutting up pictures of animals and bringing in family photos. Granted, we sort of own the school she goes to, but whatever!
I could be replaced by a loud barking dog and it would probably make the same sounds I do. Although she would probably like the dog better.
Just had to get that off my chest.
It's not all that bad. It's not. I'm just making irrational exhaustion-fueled rants because I'm tired. I'm just realizing how wonderfully crazy things have gotten. Some things have improved, some things are worse than when they started, but some things are just plain life and children.
I guess I just never thought that I would have to be raising a child at this age. And my mother and I are always constantly arguing about what is best or how best to approach Kiara or discipline her and whatnot and since my mom's been through this she's more relaxed about it.
But I know when she sees me all worked up and stressed and exasperated, I'm pretty sure she's going, "I TOLD YOU SO!"