Dec 14, 2005 23:00
"Don't Call Me Baby" by Madison Avenue...Well today was eventful. I went to an interview and on the way there I called for another interview. Maybe I'll have the time to go? It's a manger trainee position. In Greenspoint though. But hey if it's the right monies I'll make the drive. So when i left it was slightly raining. By the time I interviewed and stopped in a local Wal-Mart it was freaking crazy outside. While I was on the SW side, I couldn't see how to drive because it was so dark and raining. By the time I made it to the SE side I couldn't see because it was to light and raining. It was all a hot mess. But I trucked it on in.
"Cater 2 U" by Destiny's Child...So I made it home and chatted with Heather and then checked on some job stuff. I tell you looking for a job is a job within itself and if you don't treat it like that you'll be without for a long time. One useful thing I learned in college from a professor I despised. I've also decided I'm going to try to stop talking like a moron. I'm not a moron and I'm very well educated and I should act like it. I find myself constantly dumbing things down for people. And it's probably not you if I complain to you about how imbecilic people can be. But then again some of you I don't know enough to make a judgement either way. Generally if I talk to you in some capacity you can't be all bad. Anyway...I called Alex when I got home and we talked a bit. The conversation started out with me not believing it was him. His voice was funny. Apparently he's getting sick. But then I realized it was him because his mannorisms manifested themselves. We had a nice conversation. He asked about a conversation I had last night, etc. Then we both became drowsy and got of the phone.
"Look What You Done to Me" by Al Green...My sister and I had an argument today. She's a hot mess sometimes. She checked out of her dorm for some reason today even though she has a final tomorrow. She should have stayed on campus until her tests were done instead of assuming someone can take her to her final. Super hot mess! I'm tired. Maybe I should just go curl up in bed and watch a movie. The only thing that would make that better is Alex being goofy on the other side of the bed.
"Night Fever" by Bee Gees...Pet peeve that I just thought about...falsly pretentious people. For whatever reasons...they pretend they're well off or educated. That annoys me to no end. Especially when you have conversations with those type of people and you say a word like 'conundrum' and they completely don't respond properly. They laugh and then I laugh too because I'm laughing at their attempt to make a guess at the word. I guess I'm being redundant because that behavior I just elaborated on was a clear example of being imbecilic or that may lean more on the side of being ignorant. I guess for some people ignorance is truly bliss. I love this music. I need those movies Saturday Night Fever and Staying Alive. Oh my goodness...the sweetest find I found today was the 25th Anniversary Edition of the movie Airplane. If someone loves me pretty please get it for me for Christmas. You'll be my best friend ;-)
random stuff,