Oct 17, 2005 02:02
Why in the world am I still up????????????????? I really really don't know. I'm tired but it's like I just haven't found the right combination to hit the pillow just right lol...at least I'm off tomorrow. I work tues thru fri, off saturday and then sun. at least I'm only working the mornings. Although i usually get the most accomplished in the mornings. What will I come home and do? lol
This guy Iused to fool around with years ago is bothering me. I think it's safe to say that no means no. Just because we used to doesn't me we still will. I meandid my life stop after being with oyu so I'm just waiting for the day when you come back and want to show me attention? I really don't think so.
Oh...so today I was thinking about this old song by Thicke. "When I Get You Alone" Does anyone remember that song? I absolutely loved it. I just love the key he sings in. I'm a music fool. And it's more than your genreal love. I love the technicalness of it all. And, how certain keys can evoke certain emotions from you. I love all of that stuff. Sometimes I miss teaching violin lessons. :( I had the funniest students.
Well I guess that's it for now. Holla :)
ohhhh Lou Diamond Phillips is on tv...Must watch! Now that i'm a big nerd I better go.