Title: Eleven Years in Counting
Characters: America
Challenge: Prompt: Anniversary
Bonus Words: promise, loss, gain, time
Rating: K
Summary: America honors the loss of his twin towers.
A/N: I hate myself for doing this because it’s such a serious moment and should not be Hetalia-ized (in my opinion), but I had to do it. This fandom is making me experiment in so many ways. ^-^ Plus, I wanted to write something to commemorate this day. Enjoy. :D
The only time America was ever serious was if there was a national crisis going on. It was a loss for his country when his twin towers fell because the World Trade Center was so promising. It was an economic boost for him, but after eleven years, he never really did recover completely. Yes, he was strong-as if being the world’s super power wasn’t-but he wasn’t strong enough to avoid such an attack and save the thousands of lives that were lost in a matter of a few hours. What he did gain, though, was experience. And trauma. An increased national security.
He was in so much pain that his boss had to cancel a few things here and there, and he was grateful to have him be strong at his time of need. The world would never again catch him with his pants down. Too much horror had gone on that day that his home had been covered up with so much dark tension, and his city had been in total chaos. His fellow countries had been with him, and his brothers were by his side at all times to help him get on his feet. Now, after so many years, he had more than recovered. He, the hero, had brought some peace to the world by getting rid of the enemy’s leader. That would never bring back the people that lost their lives, or the two beautiful buildings that crumbled and humbled him, but he regained some bragging rights. Today, though, he placed a bouquet of flowers where the South Tower used to stand, with Britain and Canada beside him, waiting until he was ready to leave and move on….