It's that wonderful time again, that beginning of another week and thus back to University. How could I used to hate waking up in the morning, and dislike this day? That's right, because in England, Monday mornings are drizzly, cold and grey. Not here in Japan!
Umm... well, it's still warm, if that counts?
Look Out Mah Window! I find pictures tell a greater story than I can, so...^ That is my view right now...well, as of twenty minutes ago anyway.
Now then, my little meme, what do you want today? A list of people, you say? Hmm, I think I might do this one a little differently.
This is hard, because in the first day of Meme, I wrote down 10 people before and I really don't want to repeat myself on this. Now, I could list LJ friends...but now I'm only down to five and I happen to really care a lot about more than of five... so now, I shall list the other people who mean a lot.
Let's get three down straight away:
Matthew Bellamy, Dominic Howard and Christopher Wolstenholme.
(I love how google chrome didn't recognise Wolstenholme, so I looked up the alternatives and it said "Wolf-whistles. DAMN straight, you are wolf-whistling that fine piece of man!)
Now, I'm many of you can agree that having Muse in your life has seriously enriched the regular life you had, changing it into something that actually seems fun and a little bit less boring. You turn on the computer and it isn't just Facebook or Twitter you want to look at, it's and Livejournal, or you have to see if any new pictures are up on Microcuts...or if Muselive has any new downloadable stuff to make your Muse music collection even bigger. 372 and counting, if you must know.
Another things Muse have done, is improve my world visually. I look around my room, any room I've lived in and instantly I am greeted with either their faces or their logo. In fact, I find it weird if I wake up and I am not being glared at from at least twenty odd different posters and pictures. What a picture to look at as well; they quite clearly are the full package aren't they, when you just...look at them.
Oddly enough, I went to see Muse for the first time four years ago and I had no idea what they looked like, save for one article in Kerrang! Magazine and it was a little advert for their tour. I just knew I loved the music; finding out each and every one of them was a walking piece of fine, sexy, MANLY awesomeness, that was a wonderful bonus and a half.
Of course, the music. The music, that is such a useless word to truly describe what it is you've actually given us, and if my clock wouldn't run so fast, I would go into. Perhaps you guys can help... what does Muse's Music mean to you?
Now, I should be getting ready to go Uni right now, so I can't waffle at the level I wish I could... plus I need two more people. I won't get into too much detail for them, they are so special already, words wouldn't do them much justice. They mean a lot to me, even though they don't realise it.
My youngest cousin, Georgia: You turned nine the other day... I remember you when you were still in your mum;s tummy and even then, I was about 11 years old. I was in Primary school, that is so far back, I am struggling to remember it now. But I remember when you were born and how everyone really loved you. When you were about 4-5 years old, you would sit with all your other cousins and be absorbed by everything we said. You looked up to us so much, us adults and teenagers. By hanging around us, you've grown up into a wise little lady, I have to say. The letter you sent the other day to me... I must share it:
To Holly
This pen ink is lovely, don't you think. I hope you miss us because we certainly miss you.
I've got this new joke:
Who cuts your hair?
Ali, of course!
Ali Barber!
I know it's a rubbish joke, but that's TV for you.
Love Georgia.
This alone is every reason why I love you, my dear. Keep playing Scrabble with the adults and beating them all, my little genius *hugs*
Second person, I won't say anything for... because it's not like you will ever read it. It was good to see you on Webcam the other day though, you look after Mum, please.
Even with that stupid face of yours... Damm it Twix, I love yooooooou! Kissy kissy XX
Well, that was fun, wasn't it? ^^