Not only has
lunapome very graciously offered to take me in for Thanksgiving, but she also let me sleep under her kotatsu. Best way to wake up ever.
So as I'm sure you're probably by now very much aware, it snowed in Seattle this week! Very pretty and all, but it made work (and the getting to and from thereof) very... interesting. It took one of my poor coworkers 11 fuckmothering hours to get home on Monday night. He lives in fucking Southcenter. Needless to say, it was a bit of a ghost town at work on Tuesday and Wednesday. But the management did bring in free pizza and sandwiches for those of us who managed to make it in, and we even got out early yesterday. Between that, the holiday today, and the shortened day tomorrow on account of the stock market closing early, it's a pretty light week. Thanks, snow! :Db
Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it! ♥