Today marks my first week on the job! Guess I should talk a bit about it. :) I'm waitressing at an assisted living facility in the U District, which while not glamorous and while tiring and sometimes aggravating, is not at all a bad gig. The other servers have all been great, and a lot of the seniors I've gotten to know and serve have been really sweet. I'm still intending to keep my eyes and ears open for other positions, but this is not a bad job to have for the time being. Beats the hell out of $0 an hour, at any rate! Also I get free food, and it's tasty food, so already it beats the pants off the last food service position I worked. (We'll see if I'm this chipper after my first 8-hour shift, though).
regicidaldwarf is visiting this weekend, a visit which happens to coincide with those of
halcyonjazz and
beanclam and America (whose username I don't know :< ), so we've all been hanging out this weekend in a merry bunch. This afternoon we all went to see Ponyo, which is sort of Miyazaki's take on The Little Mermaid. It is adorable and funny and awesome and beautiful and it has Liam Neeson voicing a wizard who looks kind of like a drag queen. :3 A+, man.
Being around awesome artists this weekend has got me in the mood to draw more, and I really want to make an effort to draw more and post more. I'm considering making a journal just for posting my art in; would people be interested in that? If I were to make one, would you rather it be on Livejournal or Dreamwidth? Just considering my options here.