And I'm Appalled with two Ps

Jul 14, 2008 10:15

Some of you might have seen or heard about or read posts about the new cover for 'The New Yorker'. For those that haven't yet, it features a (very poorly drawn) cartoon of Barack and Michelle Obama standing in the Oval Office sharing a fist-pound. He's dressed as a tribal African, she as a Black Panther militant with a machine gun strapped to her back; there's a portrait of Osama bin Laden on the wall and a burning American flag in the fireplace. You can see it here, if I've still failed to convince you that you're better off sparing your eyes the torment.

I realize that it's supposed to be satirical, and making fun of people who suggest that this sort of image of the Obamas is accurate. The trouble is, far too many people do think that this image is accurate, and since even the best satire often flies miles over the heads of the ignorant, poorly executed and offensive satire is going to fail even more. Fantastic.

Fortunately, this commentary puts things in perspective a bit (and is an example of how satire can be done sot hat it's effective while still clear about being satire.

There's also this blurb from KSLA news about how even McCain's people have declared the cover tasteless and offensive (cos they at least have the sense not to go 'hyuk hyuk, that sounds about right!'), but the best part for me is the headline, which seems to me a clear indication of a plot by 4chan to take over our news media -- and then, the world!

stupidity, politics

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