The Muse is Smoking Crack

Aug 11, 2011 23:26

Hello, beautiful readers.  Life is finally starting to settle down a little (I haven’t forgotten you, Chrissy!)  Or if not actually settle down, then I’m getting used to the new normal.  Why must RL impinge on fandom time?

It’s not even been a month, but I feel like I am going through Dean/Cas fic withdrawal.  Although I’m almost afraid to try to write another one, because the weird crap the Muse has been throwing my way…  Just to let you guys know how off-the-wall the Muse has gone lately, these are the fic ideas that are rattling around in my head.

1.         Dean/Cas high school AU.
2.         Dean/Cas mpreg fic (and this one is ONLY because I’ve never read one that DIDN’T totally squick me out, so of course the Muse has to take that as a challenge.  ‘How can this be done and not be freaky?’ No, Muse, NO!).  {And to be honest, I have THREE ideas for this one (Muse needs therapy!  Intensive therapy!)}
3.         Dean/Cas SPN/Clash of the Titans crossover

You see what I mean??  What the hell am I supposed to do with that?  *headdesk*
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