And the story begins...

May 27, 2004 10:10

Ive been feeling really bored with school lately. Im really not doing anything school related in school, nevertheless at home. Spirts of education comes into play when i decide to read stuff for english, which anyone barely does, or do a calculus assignment here and there intermixed with a few current events and the pathetic health assignments. but you know...if it werent for people like me who actually read the stuff, the number of homeworks handed in would noticably drop and i could miss out on some pretty interesting stuff. if you rely on teachers to recommend pieces of literature sometimes rather than actually teach you the assigned reading in class, you would get so much more out of a book, or at least i do. ms. drew can sometimes really kill literature, and then the stupid comments from the really slow people in the class totally kick the corpse of the book that the pathetic rushed teaching method has already mangled. anywho...
so last night i decided that i should stick to my word and i wrote the terribly corny SCIENCE fiction piece for chemistry. yes, the pun was intended, supplied in class yesterday by the terribly witty jonathan.
the piece is actually pretty amusing and has nothing to do with what we were brainstorming in class. it works our little nanotechnology obsessed group into a corny little parody of filled with relevant references to stuff that we actually do in class...other than learn, of course.
anywho, allison the editor, has taken the polite liberty of typing up the story and making the appropriate corrections to my otherwise selective compilation of the butchered english language.
so yes i am in class and have yet to finish my written report. i am halfwayish done but it totally doesnt interest me and i feel like im rambling on about things that i really dont totally understand. i like i said, im still amazed how you can get a cheap TV for under $50 and just plug it into your wall in your home and receive the same programming seen nationwide just by having two little antenae connected to something inside. now im trying to accept the whole concept of nanotechnology which is really starting to, in my mind, match the whole array of supposed "miracles" set forth in fiction, ghost stories, and the bible. (oh man, to have those words in the same sentence would nonetheless damn me to hell, no? BIBLE & FICTION) anywho, i should start something in powerpoint...

by the way - jonathan what did you think of donnie darko?
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