Not dead

Mar 09, 2012 10:29

So it seems it has been forever and a day since I posted here. Wow.

Things have been going well. I am very excited. Yesterday I had an IUD inserted. I am hoping that it will make birth control easier, fewer side effects. But man was that painful. And I had to have it done not once, but twice. The first time when my doc went to clip the string, her scissors weren't sharp enough, and ended up pulling it out. So she had to reinsert a new IUD. Thankfully she keeps a spare on hand, and I didn't have to pay for a second one.

I am thinking though I am going to have to clean up my diet a little further. Woke up this morning with a touch of a headache. I am hoping it is just my body getting used to a new kind of hormone, and a different dose. The hormone is now localized to my uterus, rather than my blood stream.

I am going to use this as a bit of a food diary until I get the headaches back under control. It is the 3rd one this week, so it is time to pull up my boot straps.

Back to Rooibos tea, cutting out the black and green tea for a while to cut back on the caffeine. I think I am going to make a bigger effort on the gluten free side of things. I have fallen off that band wagon hard. Cutting out the alcomohol for a little while, I've drastically cut that back, but time to cut it out for a short while. No lunch meats, no bacon, no sausage, cut back on the bananas and oranges. Increase my green smoothies, and do them more regularly.

Green smoothies are something I've gotten on the bandwagon about. They are quite good. Kale, spinach, or field greens in a blender with about 2-3 cups of water, what ever fruit I have on hand and blend it up. Usually makes about 1L of smoothie. I leave a glass for Rob and take the rest to work. It is a nice snack that keeps me going at work. I think I want to start adding flax seed or some thing like that, but will have to remember to add it to my shopping list.

Whew. Okay this is what I promise myself. I am worth it!
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