Your Political Profile:Overall: 35% Conservative, 65% LiberalSocial Issues: 25% Conservative, 75% LiberalPersonal Responsibility: 50% Conservative, 50% LiberalFiscal Issues: 50% Conservative, 50% LiberalEthics: 25% Conservative, 75% LiberalDefense and Crime: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal
How Liberal Or Conservative Are You? I have another job breakthrough! This time its for Challenge Manufacturing. My interview is on Thursday. And the best part of it is... no drug test! Which is weird for a factory, but, there it is. I'll be working with Sam. Hopefully she won't be my boss though because that would be weird. It will be awesome. I really hope I get the job.
And for the record: Yes, I crashed my car. Yes, it is totaled. Yes, I am really, really sorry to see it go. I went to the hospital in an ambulance, (which was an experience), and stayed there for about 6 hours getting various x-rays and a cat scan of my abdomen. I also had to get an IV which was scary, but it really didn't hurt that bad, and I got an interveinious painkiller which was THE SHIT! And, I got Darvocet and Flexoral, which I was pleased about. I didnt get a ticket or anything which was suprising. Nobody believed me about my speed, but to be honest, I dont know how fast I was going. All the cop said was it looked like I was going faster than I said I was, but it didn't look like I was speeding. Which is true. There is no way I was going 55 on a dirt road with my car. I dont even like to drive on dirt roads. They make your car dirty. My car had a picture and a little article about the accident in the Tribune, and I guess my name was on WGHN talking about the accident (which I was NOT happy about). By some miracle, my parents are letting me drive a car again. My new ride: a 1989 Nissan Pathfinder. Not much to look at, but god I love that car. Its fun to drive (manual transmission!!), and it will keep me out of trouble, seeing as how it is not physically possible to speed in it.