Culmination of ----

Aug 25, 2009 21:57

Oh man what a day. Im slightly disappointed with the fact that I have to do some overtime at my new job.  I only wanted to work 8 hrs everyday but hey at least I get paid for overtime. In most salaried jobs, employers dont pay for overtime work. and omg I am swamped with meetings all this week and next week. The CEO of our company in Japan is coming to our office next Monday and we all have to be on our best behaviour.  Other than that, I hate my life, what else is new. Last week I went drinking with some Japanese employees from Tokyo and omg they are sooo fun! They talk about how us americans never go out drinking together after work and that the only way to get around is by karuma! That's right so it makes hanging out after work very difficult. We were so wasted that night, and I played janken pon all night with them, it's SO fun (when you're drunk hahah) Boy those Japanese sure know how to drink...sooo does anyone else hate their job?

the boring life of noka4ever

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