I spoke to my mother finally about moving to Japan and all my feelings. I told her stories of Japan and at the end of my story, the only thing she had to say was "As long as you have a job and make money" UGH! We spoke on the phone but I just felt like I wish she was here so I can punch her in the face. Anyway, she totally encourages me to move to Japan. Even she realizes what kind of people the Japanese are. My bakayaro mom, even knows this much?! I smiled. My parents cannot support me financially, I am completely on my own, whatever I do. But I already knew that. I don't depend on them for anything except coming over and cleaning my apartment for me. I politely asked her if she could come over to my place because it was looking like a huge mess and the dishes are piling up, the trash everywhere, disgusting. She scolded me on the phone...she said I have to learn to do the dishes, the laundry and cleaning so I can do it by myself. I can do whatever you want me to do but if you ask me do simple house chores, I will just gag. My OCD is dirt and dirty things (I don't mean porn stuff either). Sigh, she asked what will I do when I am thousands of miles away from family? It's simple, I'll find a Japanese slave guy. Erm yeah.
Dare I post this video? It's just fun, no offense to anyone xD Look at our faces hahahaha