Jet Lag x 10

Jan 15, 2009 19:38

Yum yum yummm, yeah that's the only thing I said when I saw him.  Tamayama! Finally get to watch him and its subbed.  I am sooo bored right now waiting.  Waiting for my downloads to finish, gotta watch the rest of bloody monday and Prisoner.

Well I am back from Florida today.  The plane ride was smoooooooooooooooooooooooooooth kyayayayay. But darn people were so rude, the stupid girl next to me who looked like she was 10 or 11 yrs old but I think she was really 23 years old was a jackass bitch with her retarded mother, and the people behind me..... and then I said, Stupid rude Americans.. Gah I am hating on all Americans now!  I have to point that out all the time now when some body pisses me off.  The guy I met, we said our goodbyes, he's so sweet and nice and maybe I like him?  I know he likes me.. but we are so far from each other.  Anyway we hung out really late on Tues night and the next day at work I was dying.  We talked on the phone last night while I was in my hotel room and we both fell asleep on the phone<33  So far, he's one of the first few friends I made in many years.  I don't meet too many people.  He's interesting and not boring and the best thing of all, he doesn't judge me whatsoever.

Did you see the news about the US Airways (Which is the airline I took!) crashed into New York's river today?! It happened while I was in the air going back to Orange County from Vegas.  My flight got delayed by an entire hour, I was sooo agitated.  The late plane was coming from JFK!  And delayed because the weather. I got home and I turned on my comp, it was everywhere about the plane crash! !  I was like, noooooooooooo how scary!!!!!  Those 155 passengers are probably traumitized to death, no more plane rides! =/  That could have been me there...

So I almost wanted to go to Japan at the end of this month.  I was like, I am going to buy the plane ticket right now for February, it's only $800 something!  But I really have to think things through.  The only thing holding me back is my EMPLOYER >=|  Gawd dammit, talk about putting me into the worst situations.  I am in charge of a few audits these coming months... If I leave, can you imagine what would happen with my company and the clients?  There is no replacement for me, they are depending on me like 100% to be there all the time.  If I leave now, I will forever have screwed my bosses company.  I will stay for the duration of the busy season, but after that, I gotta go.

I want to talk more crap about Florida, I'll do it tomorrow.  Let's just say Florida didn't do anything for me. Proof that Japan is the best! xD

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