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the uniforms of 2010.
January 2011: She's an eskimo! Because it's cold!
February 2011: Stepping outside of traditional 'costumes' to show how you can be sexy underneath your regular clothes. Does this mean she sometimes wears a shirt and takes it off? Yes. Yes it does.
This is her Valentine's Day special for 2011. The Dark Queen of Hearts. Truthfully, this is probably Ryo's fault.
It's a nightgown. With sheer almost-everything. Now picture it over cute leggings and you've got it. Yes, she likes how sheer and floaty it is. Yes, she spins around in it a lot to show people how it floats around her. No, the middle part is not see-through. It's solid because if it wasn't Yesung would have a stroke or kill somebody.
April showers bring...rainbows! Mostly she likes the arm warmers and the leg warmers, though, and it is a cute new costume to wear. So. Cute. Mostly she wears her bunny shoes with it, not high heels. Sometimes she wears the high heels she keeps in the shop but mostly, cute shoes.
Well what ELSE does one wear after Rainbow Brite?