Aaaaaaaaaand because I have the time--pictures of what Misono wears while at work. Most of the time.
September, 2010 Because it is SEASONAL to dress like a school-yard slut.
October, 2010 Really? She likes the fact that the skirt is so floaty feeling. Because there isn't MUCH OF IT THAT ISN'T SEE THROUGH does not occur to her as a reason for this feeling of floaty-ness.
October 2010 Special. Doctor Misono is in the house! Doing surgery on a stuffed animal and making Aiba wear the nurse outfit.
October 2010 Halloween IS IT NOT PERFECT?
November, 2010 No, I don't know why she picked a cat suit. She's just weird.
December 2010 Because ANYBODY can be Mrs. Claus. It takes a sense of whimsy and hard work to be an elf. Plus then you can totally pretend that Santa is having an affair with the elf if you want to be all sick and dirty. And if you just want to be regular dirty you can pretend the elf is building the present IN YOUR PANTS. Or something. She likes green.