Health Update

Jun 17, 2008 15:12

My physio is very happy with me.

My pronation and supernation (rolling my hands over palm down & rolling my hand over palm up). Is almost normal already. Well, it is after she has just mobilised the tendon's in my arm!

I can already reach my arm behind me, although not enough to do up my bra by myself.

I can do shoulder flexion (lift arms out in front as high as you can without pain) and abduction (ie arms out to sides, palms up, raise arms).

I also have to what I think of as the "Ken arms" exercise. Have arm bent at elbow, and move hand outward, then bring back. This one is the hardest so far.

She recommends a certain amount of caution on the "doing stuff with that arm" front:

Preferably no weight bearing for another fortnight. Gravity and its own weight is enough for my underutilized shoulder. Given how much my arm hurt after peeling a small mountain of veggies last night, this is no longer news to me.

No driving until she says so. Yes, with power steering I am capable of tooling about the local back roads, but if a crazy driver did something stupid and I had to steer hard and fast my arm wouldn't cope & would probably break again.

No riding. I'd be fine walking around a paddock, but not if I had to "brake" suddenly or the horse did something unaccountable - "and they always do" she said.

Next week I have another physio review, and they are going to walk me around the hydrotherapy pool so I can start in there week after next.

I am doing amazingly well considering it was such an awful break. She even asked how I was going with the migraines, which she feels are a real worry. I gave her a one-sentence description ("was so desperate I went to Emergency but they decided I wasn't too bad and sent me home again") and told her I'd sworn off medicos who weren't Orthopods or Physios. She was embarrassed for her hospital. It was balm to my soul.

Actually, I am about to be reviewed by a new Neurologist. I have found this one through my client network and he is going to do a housecall. How cool is that!! His partner, who I know slightly, made mention of my migraine and he was intrigued and interested. "That's a very uncommon pattern what needs to be investigated thoroughly" he is reported to have said. Oh the bliss of getting some serious review, without having to go to a hospital again - although his partner said he is talking about getting another MRI. I mentioned to my mum that I'm not keen on my regular neuro, and she told me she hadn't taken to him either.

I have a bit of a migraine today (around 1.5 on the scale) but I sensibly stayed home from work and it isn't getting any worse.

This morning I rolled out of bed, jumped in the shower, turned the taps on myself, washed myself, dried myself and dressed myself - ALONE AND UNASSISTED. It took less than 15 mins and it was FABULOUS. It was so good I can't actually tell you how good it was.

no longer broken humerus, physio, new neurologist

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