Mrs Soon, Poh and Mum

May 01, 2004 21:36 three favourite older women. Who on occasion piss me off but who I love unconditionally and always will...

I'd like to think that when I become old and senile, I will remember everything as I'd have liked it to happen whether it be the truth or just my ideal version of the story. Chances are by that time, I'll be too old to remember anything but if I do, I'd like to feel as though my life was just as I wanted it -- in every possible way. I love old people with stories to tell and the willingness to tell them...every story is of a celebrated moment or chain of events never one of grief. That's exactly what growing old gracefully is about. I write everything down so that my children will know the true sequence of events and so I'll remember the things that are stored deep in my head. I want to know exactly what I thought and how I felt when the event occured. Maybe that's why eventhough I write about my pain and angst, there are events that I will never pen because they hurt too much to remember. I want to forget them and hope that eventually, they will cease to ever have existed. In my mind, they will be someone else's story, a bad scene in a movie or a chapter from a book...not an event in my life. It's really quite surprising what the human mind is capable.

I'm starting to see smile line wrinkles on my face and I'm trying deperately to stop them from deepening because I feel as though they've come too soon. I hope I don't feel that way at 40 because by then I know Botox(or its precedessor) will be a tempting option. I want to grow old au naturel ...with the help of some good moisturiser and the gym. I've just joined Fitness the past 6 years, my idea of going to the gym has been to take the money that my dad sends me for the gym and go shopping...always fun but one day of retail glory doesn't exactly add up to one year of working out. As my metabolism rate begins to slow, I'm truly determined to develope a routine that I will follow till old age. It's all about the planning...because I doubt I will inherit the taut skin my mother has. I certainly didn't get her chest, chances are, I won't get her skin.
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