Bollywood Mikado

Apr 30, 2010 10:00

So, yesterday was the opening of the Mikado. Although I still had to be safety-pinned into my saris, I managed to avoid any noticeable wardrobe malfunctions, although the cast make-up box has gone missing. From certain clues dropped by Sue and Dael, I suspect it's in Toronto with Carol Brodkin. I miss her. Anyway, this means another trip to the pharmacy for a last-minute make-up run. Why do these things always happen to me?

Despite the setbacks, however, it was a smashing opening night. We had a great, though small, audience, comprised mostly of walk-ins and members of the McGill Savoy society. Responsive audiences are really a key component to a successful night. When you hear crickets chirp in the theatre, it's hard to keep your energy up. It's a good sign when they laugh at the jokes.

I've been awful in informing you guys about the show in a timely manner, but don't fret! Yesterday was just the opening! We've still got plenty more shows! So, COME SEE MY SHOW! SEE ME IN A SHINY PINK SARI! TAKE YOUR CHOICE OF NANKI-POOS, YUM-YUMS, AND KATISHAS! HEAR SOMEONE OTHER THAN YANNICK IN THE LEAD SOPRANO ROLE! HEAR THE CROWD-PLEASING LITTLE LIST AND LET THE PUNISHMENT FIT THE CRIME SONGS!

Don't miss our Bollywood rendition of one of the most popular Gilbert and Sullivan shows! Bring the folks. (Especially those folks who love flashy costumes. I'm looking at your mother, Siony.)

Students (with valid ID): 15$
Seniors (over 55): 18$
Regular price: 25$

We will be performing the 30th, of April, as well as the 1rst, 2nd, 7th, 8th, and 9th. All of these performances will take place at 7:30PM, except for the May 2nd and May 9th performances, at 1:30PM. That means the next performance is TODAY, and I believe it will feature Catherine Pycock as Katisha, Cameron MacLeod as Nanki-Poo, and Jenne Carey as Yum-Yum. In other words, someone other than Rodrigo (the guy who has been the lead for all the of the previous shows) is the lead. (If you're reading this, Rodrigo, you're a wonderful performer, a great tenor, but it's nice to have some variety once in a while, 'kay? No hard feelings.)

The place is the former Wagar High School, at 5785 Parkhaven, Cote-St-Luc.

mwos, the mikado

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