Nov 20, 2005 21:05
So I met Mark yesterday, whom I'll probably never see again and if I did I might smack him! It all started when I looked at him. He is tall about 6' and very broad shouldered slim waist and casually dressed. With his golden blonde hair and sultry blue eyes, it was hard not to point him out as the best looking guy in the bar. Being that I was out not only eating meat on my tacos but searching for another kind of meat.. Mark fit the criteria. I knew he was looking at me the whole time but didn't make his moves until the other guys had gone. He told me that he was a paramedic, and originally from Ohio and lives in Frisco. I told him that I am studying making games to help people eg. nursing, therapy, and military. I took his hand and it was cold, but he looked so comfy in a long sleeve jersey with a tshirt over it. Later I was to find out why..
I was so freakin excited to meet a guy outside of school for a potential piece of ass!! I've been fortunate to meet guys, but they are too good to just be "a piece of ass" so they jump into a higher class w/ me. I have no idea how I knew this about Mark, besides the sultry kind of hunting look in his eyes, and my mistrust of meeting men at bars.
When Marc finally got there, he was driving a mustang like me, and looked a like a "bad boy". He went on to tell me and my friend that his mom had 3 brain tumors, and that's why he became a paramedic. It was so sweet and I loved the conversation. But after he just went and laid on my bed, i was like ok this is what I want. My friend left, and then we did things my way! He was really wierd after saying do you want to smoke some dope? I was like sure, why not. And I knew that was his excuse to leave. I didn't even wait for him to come back, I shut off the light and went to sleep.
So, the cold hands meant cold heart. Every word out of his mouth was probably a lie.
I feel more like a human being getting laid and stuff though. It keeps me in touch with my femininity. I just wish that I didn't have to get it from assholes. But the kind of guys I like I can't treat good now. So, maybe it's a good thing afterall.
I had been kind of lonely and left out until yestereday. Being sick, and putting in massive hrs. and sleepless nights took a toll. I want to be around people, and be social. I love to be around people who love life and have a positive outlook. It keeps things fresh and moving forward. They don't deplete and are always willing to give. That is a beautiful thing!
My friend Jackie and I have gotten really close, and i don't know what i'd do w/out her! She is always selflessly looking out for me. I've gotten more social again with meeting people, and I find out that they are really good. Like Nathan, it was so wonderful to spend time with someone so cool, down to earth, and unknowingly entertaining. We only spent one night but I consider him a friend because that is what he showed. And, he gives heartfelt I'm really there kind of hugs. Not like the sissy why even bother kind.
Everyone needs friends in life! :)