Aug 11, 2004 13:00
ok, it's been a long time seince i updated this thing...
i just came back from Austria, it was awsome i was there on a peace- camp.
i cant write down everything that went there cuz it was 10 days full of tension, happiness, depression, anger and at least another 100 mixed emotions.. i went there to represent my youth movment, we were 26 people from all over the country (from the movment i belong to) and another 5 different groups; the woodcraft folk from england, the red cressent society from palestine, the noar oved velomed also from israel, the independent youth union of palestine, and the red falcon society from Austria. the camp concisted of different sessions, we were devided into 5 groups and in each group there were representativs from each movment. to make a long story short, we concentrated on the conflict and how to solve it.. in conclusion we understood that there is hope and the hope is our generation. It is in our hands to change the situation and to get to a point wer'e there are 2 states for 2 nations instead of one nation controling the other, because that way we will both live in peace instead of no one liveing peacefuly because of opression or terrorism.
anyways.. i cant express my feelings and all my thoughts by writing.. and i also gotta go unpack.