(no subject)

Jul 17, 2004 23:05

PLIC2K i: meet george jetson!
israeli shroom: nice to meet u
PLIC2K i: how's it going? =)
israeli shroom: grate, i just came back from a meeting
PLIC2K i: hot
PLIC2K i: what kind of meeting?
israeli shroom: about austria
PLIC2K i: The Prostitute Society of Lesbia?
israeli shroom: hot
PLIC2K i: true true
PLIC2K i: so are you going to austrialialand or what?
israeli shroom: Ausria... i dunno yet, its on negotiation.. but my parents do have it clear that if they dont let me go it will ruin our relationship.. so i think ill go
israeli shroom: Austria*
PLIC2K i: good
PLIC2K i: i prefer Ausria over Austria
PLIC2K i: it's nicer
israeli shroom: then it is defently sexy-er
PLIC2K i: mhm
israeli shroom: check out my journal.. i updated
israeli shroom: im tired..
PLIC2K i: shut up
PLIC2K i: i don't have the link
israeli shroom: hold on
PLIC2K i: stupid
israeli shroom: http://www.livejournal.com/users/mishelitos/
israeli shroom: yes u do... stupid
PLIC2K i: "-)
PLIC2K i: i thought there was gonna be porn on it
israeli shroom: there is... didnt u see it?.. it has tons of subliminal messages too
israeli shroom: stupid
PLIC2K i: furniture porn i meant
PLIC2K i: www.furnitureporn.com
israeli shroom: wow... that was refreshing.. ill put it as a link on my website
PLIC2K i: true
israeli shroom: indeed
PLIC2K i: i'ma go sleep before church
israeli shroom: eww... stop masticating
PLIC2K i: enjoy your day at the bay, little mishshshshshshshshshsh
israeli shroom: go pray kid
PLIC2K i: i'm getting sexier as time goes by
israeli shroom: it happens when ur italian
israeli shroom: or israeli
israeli shroom: or ausrian
PLIC2K i: true true
israeli shroom: good night kid
PLIC2K i: ah, israelis and italians
israeli shroom: and ausrians
israeli shroom: from ausria
PLIC2K i: i shall nap. see ya
PLIC2K i: and lesbians
PLIC2K i: from lesbia
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