(no subject)

May 28, 2007 06:22

Best thing about a new movie??

NEW ICONS!!  LoOk at that!  *drools and wibbles*

Love to the two or three girls whose work I swiped--and if you know who you are, good god what are you doing in this backwater part of LJ where I keep my crappy little blog??  Seriously I never remember names.  But much love to you!!

Uh...ladies...THAT is what I'm talking about with the HOT.  Wait till you see the movie.  It's worse when it's on the big screen...right there...in front of you..and all your brain can do is squeal with delight.


*revives, picks self up, brushes off*  No, I'm alright.  Really.  Don't worry about my ancient bones.  I've been down on that floor so much in the last three days that I'm starting to consider getting rid of all my chairs and just sitting on throw pillows for good!

Oh...note!  Get the soundtrack too, if you liked the others.  Hans (Zimmer) outdid himself on the last one.  *is currently listening to the big battle sequence whereby my heartstrings get ripped totally out of my chest and I cry like a baby*

So something not Orlando or POTC-related.  Nate's "Waitress" movie is out now too.  I hear it's supposed to be a decent comedy/drama/thing.  Got good reviews at Sundance or wherever the hell it was that they showed it.  (I never remember these things!! LOL)  Not sure I'm gonna shell out another 4 frajillion of my hard-earned dollars to go see it in the theater, but I'll definitely catch it on DVD.  Not like it's Firefly/Serenity, for cryin' out loud!  HEE!

At present I am going through one nightmare of a bout of insomnia.  Anybody else want it??  What the frig is up with waking up at 3:30 in the gorram morning so that I can watch the sun come up at 6:00??  I don't like sunrises.  I don't.  Really.  Want to know why?  'Cause I've got to WAKE UP to see them!  *head desk*

That said, I'm now going to be productive, put my CD on the angsty song on repeat, and clean my desk.  *BLEH*

life: wtf, sunrise/sunset, movies: potc3, movies: waitress

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