Apr 10, 2007 10:15
Hmmm...am sitting here listening to the music off Nate's MySpace blog and wondering if I should email him and tell him that...by default, since Joe is already married...he's the man I want to carry me off to a deserted island and make mad passionate WHOOPEE forever and ever.
Yeah...I didn't think it was a real good idea either. 'Cause really I guess that counts as stalking. But I do just need to say the man has a ferocious sense of humor that just cracks me up and makes me really want to have his babies. Lots of them. Fat, chubby cheeked gorgeous infants with their father's blue eyes and funky hair. But that's after I sex him up good first....yeah... *hee*
Okay so it's cold outside. My plants are probably freezing to death, and I'm sitting here at my crummy job wondering why summer isn't here yet.
*smirk* I'm really not. I'm wondering why it's not Friday Night so that I can OD on Stargate, 'cause it's premiere week, Bay-be! And then Drive is on Sunday...and it's a wonder I've not wet my pants yet with excitement! 'Cause really--Joe and Nate in one weekend? That's got to be hell on earth...either that or one very fucked-up sense of humor on the part of TPTB. I am more inclined to go with the latter. Whoo-hoo for weekends!
There's really nothing interesting going on in my neck of the woods. I wish there were, but honestly I have to be the most boring person I know. So there's your update. Not even sure why I bothered. It's a waste of space.
actor: nathan fillion