Jan 16, 2007 12:51
I don’t know how my life ever got so hectic. Oh wait - this job and 3 kids. I really hate not having the time to comment to posts. I do read on occasion but it sucks that I just don’t have the time or energy to post or write much anymore. I haven’t really updated on how the boys are doing lately though. I talked about our trip to Ohio which was a nice time. Our New Years was spent quietly with just us. We were peopled out. After I had put Jace to bed, I got out board games and me, Brock & Hayden played Monopoly Jr, Sorry and then Twister. By then it was almost midnight. We let Brock & Hayden stay up till midnight again with us because they like to watch the ball drop. I had bought the non alcoholic sparkling cider stuff for them and put it in champagne glasses. When the ball dropped, we all did cheers and gave each other a kiss. Then we ran outside and watched the madness of fireworks go off. Some of our neighbors had some huge fireworks like you would see on July 4th.
So anyways, the last couple weeks have been busy with work, school and b-day parties. It must be right after Christmas is over everyone has a b-day. Both boys have had b-day parties just lined up to go to every weekend. Luckily we don’t have any sports they are in right now. Brock finished up football last month. The coach had a little party for them where he passed out trophies and said something nice about each boy. Brock was ‘one of the fastest on the team’ and he always made a touchdown. It was cute. Soccer starts up I think in March. Then t-ball and back to football for Brock. I think I am only putting Hayden in t-ball for now. He still lacks that concentration & ambition but Ben says we should still put him in soccer. Both boys are doing well though. They fight like crazy and I am not exaggerating. It is making us a bit crazy. I have to literally separate them and each sits in a different room to watch TV. A lot of the fighting is over what show they watch on TV or if one wants to play but the other wants to watch TV. Then Hayden does this thing where he won’t stop mocking everything Brock says. And then it all ends up one of them hitting or punching the other. How am I going to manage when Jace gets in the mix? Lol.
As for Jace, we had our first ear infection since last summer. Both ears infected. He is trying to talk but still doesn’t say much one word stuff. Instead he says, ‘I go’ or ‘I’m done’. Or he rather point and grunt or scream to get what he wants. He climbs on everything. Tables, chairs, beds… anything he can get to and on. He is so boy. He tries to give kisses but they come off more like bites. He opens his mouth really wide and makes this growling noise and comes at you. Maybe I just like to think there is some niceness in him and he is trying to kiss me. Haha. He hits, he pushes, he pulls your hair, he chases the dog and tries to kiss/bite him, pulls his tail and tries to drag him places and hits him. He does the same to Hayden (except for pulling his tail of course). Jace also doesn’t like when Hayden gets near me and gets really jealous and pushes Hayden away. He however doesn’t do that to Brock too much which is funny. He rather sit on Brock’s lap and play with him or have him read to him. But Jace is about 27 pounds and is in a 24month or 2T clothes. Hayden still wears a 3T or 4T in pants so they are getting closer in size. I don’t know if I mentioned but we got Jace off the bottle last month. That was really easy and I am quite proud of our selves. With the other boys, they were off the pacifier by 6 months but held onto that bottle until they were past 2. Well, Jace never took a pacifier and we had him off the bottles by 15 months. Quite an accomplishment by all. Of course, daycare helped and the fact that he was transitioned into the toddler room and couldn’t have a bottle. I hope he potty trains quick too!
I am doing well. I have a cold I am trying to catch and it is making me sleepy and irritable. My throat hurt all weekend and nothing tasted good. Brock, Hayden and I all went to the dentist last week and no cavities for any of us. But my bottom wisdom teeth are growing sideways instead of up. Most won’t take out the bottoms ones because they sit on a nerve and if they mess up, I could be paralyzed on that side of the face. Not something I want to chance. But it is making my bottom teeth move and that is not making me happy. I am not sure what to do. Brock still hasn’t lost any teeth yet! They did an x-ray on him and the adult teeth are there and the dentist says at any time they should come out.
I got another 4% raise yesterday from work though so you would think that would get me motivated but it hasn’t. I didn’t even realize they were doing that again since I just got a 4% raise around 6 months ago. But in any case, I have been here just over a year and already have gotten a total of 8% increase in my pay. Not bad. I also am still busy with my Coors project and am now being put on a Boise paper press rebuild project to expedite and maybe get to do some more buying. But mainly do expediting which sucks but it’s a job and I am getting paid very well so I shouldn’t complain. I know I will have a job for now. In other news, I have a surgery date next month. I might do a separate post on that because I am a bit confused and anxious over this and still have this worry over doctors down here. This is being performed by my OB doctor. I’ll post that next.
And one last note, I will also be entering the 30 club myself soon. Actually I turn 30 on Super Bowl Sunday. How crappy is that? But in a funny way I am looking forward to it. I am tired of feeling young with 3 kids. Now I can say, ‘hey I’m 30 so back off.’ Or something like that. And they say we might get some snow/rain mix in a couple of days. That will be interesting but I doubt it will happen. It will actually be in the 30’s during the day which is not very common here so who knows. Cross fingers because it’s fun to watch everyone flip out down here.