Tired ramblings

May 08, 2007 02:36

I should be sleeping, seeing I was up with the sun today. Its so late, but I am still working on that. My head is pounding, but ok, enough whineing. I have my porch door open, its nice enough. The screendoor is closed though. There is something out there that kitty does not like. She keeps running around and growling. Well now she is sitting on the end of the bed staring outside, but still that low, deep in the chest, rumble that cats can have. I wonder what it is. I don't get any birds or squirles on the pourch. The previous owner left a great horned owl decoy on one of the banisters. I have been trying to make peace with the Universe. Not very well mind you, but I can't stay mad at Her forever. I found a crystal I thought was long lost the other day. It was neat to find it. Hmmm practicalities, I have to go to the bank tomorrow. And to Sasha's and probably Target or somthing similar. Ben offered to go driving around with me. I do like having someone running errands with me. Sometimes, but I have been told I need to socialize more. I prefer running and hiding, but I guess thats not so good for me. Listening to the credits to the Scorpian King. I forgot how good this album is. I suddenly want to listen to it, but its in a box and I don't want to go digging for it this late. I had more to say, but I am not going to say it here. Instead I am going to hope they have finally posted Heroes so I can watch the latest episode and finish my water bottle.
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