So this is 2007...

Jan 01, 2007 00:02

The new year has begun and I am quite sure the way one ends will set the tone for the new one. If that be the case then oh what rotten luck I have. I've already got my first rant half prepared in my head. There are also so many things I want to say about what I want from this year. 2005 and 2006 were cruel. The former being the one that stepped on me and the latter being the one that taught me all the things I never wanted to know about life and the relationships within it. I've discovered that the only thing in life is relationships. Not romantic ones mind you... the relationship you have with your parents, your children, your dentist, your dry cleaner.

I'm afraid of this new year. Afraid of another year of grasping at straws and pleasing everyone but myself. I grew in 2006 but will I continue to grow in 2007?

When I look back on 2007 a year from now will I be able to say I have a new home? Will I be pregnant? When I look at my Flist will there be more names on it or fewer? Will my mother be remarried? Will I recognize myself?

I can sadly and honestly say that when 2006 began half of the people I considered friends at the beginning of 2006 are more or less aquaintances now. Thing is I don't know how it happened. One moment I had this really tight-knit group of friends and the next we all were in different worlds. I'm not sure how to fix that. I know some of it was the result of my own naivety and the project that burned away way too much of 2006. Can I get any of it back this year?

My relationship with Jaun has changed in good and bad ways but will we make it another year?

Well here's to 2007 and all it should be. All it won't be and all it will. Never look back, heroes don't ask why. [insert something smart and quotable here]

new year

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