
May 04, 2011 11:55

Today I translated this song: Can you love me? by Afalean Lu. I picked this song to share because I think it's a pretty heartfelt song and if you watched the drama Prince + Princess 2 it might be more touching ... maybe >.> ... lol. Actually, the song speaks for itself. But if you have time I definitely recommend watching the MV that goes with this song, =]

Then without further ado,

Can you love me? (可不可以愛我 [kěbù kěyǐ ài wǒ])
by Afalean Lu (盧學叡 [lú xué ruì])

wèishéme rúcǐ de ānjìng
Why is it so quiet?
wèishéme míngmíng xiǎng kàojìn què hái zài chíyí
Why is it that when I clearly want to get near you I always hesitate?
努力的我保持鎮定 努力開拓話題
nǔlì de wǒ bǎochí zhèndìng nǔlì kāituò huàtí
I work hard to keep calm I work hard to start the conversation
zuìhòu què kuìbùchéngjūn
In the end, I am utterly defeated

wèishéme rúcǐ dì měilì
Why is it so beautiful?
shēnkè de luò zài xīnlǐ zuì wēnróu de kùxíng
The deep impression left in the heart is the most gentle punishment1
měi yītiān wúfǎ bùxiǎng nǐ
Every day I cannot help but think of you
連閉上眼睛 怎麼都是你*
lián bì shàng yǎnjīng zěnme dōu shì nǐ
Even when I close my eyes, why do I only see you?

#你可不可以愛我 可不可以想我
nǐ kěbù kěyǐ ài wǒ kěbù kěyǐ xiǎng wǒ
Can you love me? Can you think of me?
suīrán wǒ duì zìjǐ méiyǒu yīdiǎn de bǎwò
Even though I have no confidence in myself
別害怕我難過 告訴我你真實的感受
bié hàipà wǒ nánguò gàosu wǒ nǐ zhēnshí de gǎnshòu
Don't be afraid that I'll be sad Tell me your real feelings
zhìshǎo tǎn tè néng gào yīduànluò
At least I will be able to calm my nerves2

你可不可以愛我 可不可以看我
nǐ kěbù kěyǐ ài wǒ kěbù kěyǐ kàn wǒ
Can you love me? Can you look at me?
fǎnzhèng kàn huò bù kàn wǒ yīrán shīhúnluòpò
Whether you look at me or not, I still won't be at ease3
成全不是美德 拒絕也不是一種罪過
chéngquán bùshì měidé jùjué yě bùshì yīzhǒng zuìguo
To help you realize is not a virtue4 To reject is also not an offense
nǐ néng gěi wǒ kuàilè háishì jìmò
Will you be able to give me happiness or loneliness?

Repeat *#

xiǎngniàn ránshāo gè bù tíng
I long for the fire not to stop
wǒ kuài zhǐ shèng huījìn
I am almost burnt to ashes
nǐ shì wǒ de hūxī
You are the air I breathe

你可不可以愛我 可不可以想我
nǐ kěbù kěyǐ ài wǒ kěbù kěyǐ xiǎng wǒ
Can you love me? Can you think of me?
suīrán wǒ duì zìjǐ méiyǒu yīdiǎn de bǎwò
Even though I have no confidence in myself
別害怕我難過 告訴我你真實的感受
bié hàipà wǒ nánguò gàosu wǒ nǐ zhēnshí de gǎnshòu
Don't be afraid that I'll be sad Tell me your real feelings
zhìshǎo tǎn tè néng gào yīduànluò
At least I will be able to calm my nerves2

你可不可以愛我 可不可以看我
nǐ kěbù kěyǐ ài wǒ kěbù kěyǐ kàn wǒ
Can you love me? Can you look at me?
fǎnzhèng kàn huò bù kàn wǒ yīrán shīhúnluòpò
Whether you look at me or not, I still won't be at ease3
成全不是美德 拒絕也不是一種罪過
chéngquán bùshì měidé jùjué yě bùshì yīzhǒng zuìguo
To help you realize is not a virtue4 To reject is also not an offense
你能給我 能給我什麼
nǐ néng gěi wǒ néng gěi wǒ shénme
Can you give me ... what can you give me?
kuàilè háishì jìmò
Happiness or loneliness?

original Chinese lyrics source

1. I tried my best to word this. Forgive me if it changes the original meaning ^^;;
2. 忐忑 means anxious; 告一段落 is an idiom meaning to come to the end of a phase
3. 失魂落魄 is an idiom meaning your mind is not steady
4. 成全 means to help someone else realize his dream or desire, so in the context of this song I phrased it that way because I assume he's talking about wanting the person to love him, but he doesn't want to force that person. Instead, he wants that person to see him on his/her own.
5. If you find anything wrong, please don't hesitate to let me know ^^

This song almost always makes me want to cry, >w<. Anyway, the last time I was looking up this singer (about two years ago ...>.>), he was debuting. I wonder if he has gotten popular?

Basic Rules:
1) If taking, please credit.
2) Comments are <3
3) Enjoy! Yay!

cpop, lyrics: afalean lu

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