Kind of Odd...

May 03, 2011 15:24

Just out of curiosity, I decided to give Aaron Yan's (one of the guys from the popular Taiwanese boy band, Fahrenheit) mini-album, The Next Me, a try.

So... I was surprised by the first song 忽然之间 (Hu Ran Zhi Jian) [Suddenly]. I was really captured by it.

Annnnd, I was crazy enough to search for the lyrics, and ummm, I've decided to do a rough translation, ^^;;

photo credit

炎亚纶 - 忽然之间
Yán yà lún - Hūrán zhī jiān
Aaron Yan - Suddenly

作词:周耀辉 李焯雄 作曲:林健华
Zuòcí: Zhōuyàohuī lizhuóxióng Zuòqǔ: Línjiànhuá
Lyrics: Zhou Yao Hui & Li Chao Xiong Music: Lin Jian Hua

忽然之间 天昏地暗
hūrán zhī jiān tiānhūndìàn
All of a sudden [there is] chaos and corruption1
shìjiè kěyǐ hūrán shénmo dōu méiyǒu
The world could suddenly have nothing
我想起了你 再想到自己
wǒ xiǎngqǐ le nǐ zài xiǎngdào zìjǐ
I thought of you, then I thought of myself
我为什麽总在非常脆弱的时候 怀念你
wǒ wèishémo zǒng zài fēicháng cuìruò de shíhou huáiniàn nǐ
Why do I always think of you at my weakest moments?

我明白 太放不开 你的爱
wǒ míngbái tài fàng bù kāi nǐ de ài
I understand Just can't let go of your love
太熟悉 你的关怀 分不开
tài shúxī nǐ de guānhuái fēn bù kāi
Too used to your worrying2 Can't tell
想你 算是安慰 还是悲哀
xiǎng nǐ suànshì ānwèi háishì bēiāi
[if] thinking of you is comforting or sorrowful?

而现在 就算时针 都停摆
ér xiànzài jiùsuàn shízhēn dōu tíngbǎi
And right now, even if the hands of the clock stopped
就算生命 像尘埃 分不开
jiùsuàn shēngmìng xiàng chénāi fēn bù kāi
Even if life resembled dust Can't tell
我们 也许 反而 更相信爱
wǒmen yěxǔ fǎnér gèng xiāngxìn ài
[if], on the contrary, perhaps we should believe even more in love

如果这天地 最终会消失
rúguǒ zhè tiāndì zuìzhōng huì xiāoshī
If the heaven and the earth ultimately disappears
不想一路走来 珍惜的回忆 没有你
bùxiǎng yīlù zǒu lái zhēnxī de huíyì méiyǒu nǐ
[I] don't want to have all my cherished memories of you disappear3

~Stanzas two and three repeat twice

[]means I added words in English to make the sentence flow better
1. 天昏地暗 is an idiom meaning complete darkness, so I took the liberty to make it into a sentence.
2. 太熟悉 你的关怀 literally translates into "too familiar with your care" because 关怀 means to show care for another person. But that sounded a bit odd, so I translated it otherwise.
3. 不想一路走来 珍惜的回忆 没有你 literally translates into "don't want the whole journey of cherished memories not to have you". I wasn't sure how to translate 一路走来 into anything else but "all" because the phrase means something along the lines of having traveled this far or come all this way. This I interpreted as all the memories they have made together. Also, I figure that 没有你 can be translated more smoothly as disappear.

original Chinese lyrics source

Whew, that kind of took longer than I expected, haha. I hope you enjoyed reading my translation. If there is anything wrong, please don't hesitate to tell me (like I said, my translation is really rough, haha) ^^;;

Basic rules:
1)If taking, please credit.
2)Comments are <3
3)Enjoy! Yay!

lyrics: aaron yan, cpop

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